  • 期刊


Structure and Implementation of the Workplace Health Promotion Network in Taipei


目的:結合職場與社區健康資源,建構並推動臺北市「職場健康促進網」。方法:臺北市衛生局「職場健康促進諮詢委員會」針對都會區常見的職場健康議題設計「健康職場評核表」,2005年七月邀請職業衛生專家與事業單位,共同推動健康體能與無菸職場等活動,並於十一至十二月間分派委員至事業單位現場訪視,評核結果以SPSS 11.0統計軟體檢定分析,並挑選優良的職場與醫院做為社區示範職場。結果:共有94家事業單位參與職場健康促進活動,並接受委員評核。員工人數在100人以上的67家職場,其運動休閒設施、員工休息室或哺(集)乳室、員工餐廳等項目的平均評分,以t-test檢定方法分析,均顯著高於員工人數在100人以下的27家職場。醫療院所有17家,其員工休息室或哺(集)乳室、成立健康促進委員會等項目的平均評分,以t-test檢定方法分析,顯著高於其他77家非醫療院所。結論:「職場健康促進網」的架構在於結合職場與社區健康資源,以績優的健康職場或醫院做為社區示範職場,提供營養諮詢、心理衛生講座;並以各區健康服務中心做為推動的軸心,建立小型事業單位與社區運動(體能)中心的聯繫網絡。對於擔任職場健康促進的實務工作者,也可考慮給予一至三年期的職場健康管理師的認證,成為職場健康促進網最務實的推動者。


Background and Purpose: To combine workplace and community health resources for construction and implementation of the Workplace Health Promotion Network in Taipei. Methods: The Workplace Health Promotion Consultation Committee of Taipei City Government designed assessment items for workplace health based on workplace health issues, and has promoted healthy and physical activities at workplaces since July 2005. Outcomes were evaluated by committees at workplaces after six months, and analyzed with SPSS 11.0. Results: From July to December 2005, 94 workplaces participated in the health promotion program. Large workplaces (>300 workers) and small workplaces (<300 workers) were compared, with health scores for physical activity opportunities, breastfeeding-friendly environments, and healthy workplace diet being significantly higher at large workplaces (n=67) compared to small workplaces (n=27). Health scores in regards to breastfeeding-friendly workplaces and implementation of health promotion committees were significant higher at medical workplaces (n=17) than non-medical workplaces (n=77). Conclusion: The Workplace Health Promotion Network in Taipei combined workplace and community health resources to develop a program that connected health promotion hospitals with workplaces, providing guidance and support in relation to diet and mental health. Integration of the role of the health worker from implementer to facilitator and health care manager at the workplace is a further important issue.


