  • 期刊


Correlation between Sexual Behavior and Exposure to Pornographic Information among Medical College Students


目的:探討影響醫學院學生的性行為與接觸色情資訊經驗之相關因素。方法:本研究為進行橫斷性研究,以立意取樣方式,選取某醫學大學各科系所有四年級學生為對象;研究工具為自填式問卷,有效樣本共497人,回應率為82%。結果:樣本在電子花車、色情書刊、色情網站、清涼寫真集、色情光碟、鎖碼台、牛肉場及色情電話之接觸經驗,皆有性別上之顯著差異。根據多變項分析之結果顯示,性別、系別、贊同婚前性行為等三項因素與接觸色情經驗呈顯著相關(Adjusted R^2=0.38)。另外,父母管教嚴格(OR=2.79, 95% CI=1.26-6.14)、贊同婚前性行為(OR=9.10, 95% CI=2.99-27.66)、談戀愛為了解決性需要(OR=7.64, 95% CI=2.20-26.56)、以及與異性交往中(OR=4.64, 95% CI=2.18-9.88)等因素,與樣本具有性行為經驗呈顯著相關。結論:醫學院學生對性行為之認知與接觸色情資訊與性別有顯著差異,本研究結果可提供為醫學院學生之兩性教育、諮詢及輔導之參考。


Background and Purpose: To investigate the correlation between sexual behavior and exposure to pornographic information among medical college students. Methods: Data were collected by the use of a self-administered structured questionnaire and involved purposive sampling of medical college senior students. A total of 497 subjects were recruited for this cross-sectional study. The response rate was 82%. Results: Significant differences were found between male and female subjects in terms of exposure to pornographic information, including festooned vehicle, pornographic books, pornographic websites, pornographic pictures, pornographic videos, adult cable channels, strip shows and sex phone lines. Multiple regression analysis indicated that three factors showed a relationship to subjects' exposure to pornographic information and these were the subjects' gender, the subject's department, and consentual premarital sex (Adjusted R^2=0.38). Identified correlations with the subjects' sexual behavior included a strict parenting style (OR=2.79, 95% CI=1.26-6.14), consentual premarital sex (OR=9.10, 95% CI=2.99-27.66), sexual desires (OR=7.64, 95% CI=2.20-26.56), and having a heterosexual relationship (OR=4.64, 95% CI=2.18-9.88). Conclusion: There was a significant gender difference in exposure to pornographic information. Results of this study will be beneficial when designing sex education for medical college students.


