  • 學位論文


Development of Pornography Exposure and Intimate Behaviors among Boys and Girls from 7th to 12th Grade

指導教授 : 李蘭


目的: 本研究在探討男生及女生於國中至高中階段:1.色情媒體接觸的發展 及相關因素;2.親密行為的發展及相關因素;3.色情媒體接觸及親密行為之長期交互關係及相關因素。 方法: 本研究為次級資料分析,資料取自「兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究」。研究對象為2007年就讀國一之學生,有效追蹤樣本共2482人(男生1272人,女生1210人)。本研究採用群體基礎軌跡模型,估計男生及女生於國中至高中階段色情媒體接觸的發展;以潛在狀態轉變模型,分析親密行為的發展;最後以長期追蹤交叉延宕分析,探討色情媒體接觸和親密行為兩者間長期交互影響之關係。 結果: 男生接觸的色情媒體以影片居多,女生則是以書籍雜誌漫畫居多。男生國中到高中六年的色情媒體接觸軌跡包含:早且多接觸型(241位,18.9%)、接觸漸增型(506位,39.8%)、晚接觸型(248位,19.5%)、及零接觸型(277位,21.8%)。較晚發育的男生屬於「早且多接觸型」的風險較一般的男生為低,而較早發育的男生屬於「早且多接觸型」的風險則較高。父母心理控制會提高男生屬於「接觸漸增型」與「早且多接觸型」的風險;父母監督則降低屬於「早且多接觸型」的風險。同儕接觸色情媒體越多,屬於「接觸漸增型」與「早且多接觸型」的風險越高。女生從國中到高中六年期間,色情媒體接觸的軌跡類型包含:早且多接觸型(194位,16.0%)、接觸漸增型(316位,26.1%)、及零接觸型(700位,57.9%)。較早發育的女生屬於「早且多接觸型」的風險較一般的女生為高;一般的女生與較晚發育的女生,沒有統計上的顯著差異。父母心理控制會提高女生屬於「接觸漸增型」及「早且多接觸型」的風險;但父母監督可以降低其風險。同儕接觸色情媒體越多,屬於「早且多接觸型」的風險越高。對男生及女生而言,同儕行為對發育時機與色情媒體接觸發展,具有中介的效果。 到了高三,男生和女生在過去一年發生親吻的比率,都在25%左右,發生性交的比率則不到10%。男生及女生在國、高中期間的親密行為,可歸納為:低度親密行為狀態、中度親密行為狀態,及高度親密行為狀態三類。男生在國一到國三期間,進階轉變到更親密行為狀態的overall advance rate最高(24.8%);女生則是在高一到高三期間最高(23.6%)。較晚發育及父母監督較高的男生,在國一時屬於中高度親密行為狀態的風險較低,而較早發育、中收入家庭、父母教育程度低的女生,在國一時屬於中高度親密行為狀態的風險較高。發育時機與男生及女生樣本親密行為狀態的轉變沒有顯著關係;但同儕的性交行為越普遍,轉變到中高度親密行為狀態的風險則顯著增加。 男生及女生於國中及高中階段,色情媒體接觸與親密行為有顯著的自我迴歸效果。在控制同儕行為、及父母監督的情形下,較早發育的男生,其國一時的親密行為會增加隔年色情媒體接觸的程度;較晚發育的男生,其國一和國二時的親密行為會增加隔年的色情媒體接觸的程度;較早發育與一般的女生,其國一時的親密行為會增加國二的色情媒體接觸的程度。只有早發育組的女生,其國一時的色情媒體接觸會減少國二親密行為發生的風險,其餘組別在國中階段的色情媒體接觸,與下一年的親密行為沒有顯著相關。不論男生或女生,在高中階段的色情媒體接觸,與親密行為沒有交叉延宕的效果。 結論: 男生及女生在國中到高中階段,色情媒體接觸與親密行為發展均呈現多元的類型與狀態。發育時機、父母教養、同儕行為,和男生與女生色情媒體接觸及親密行為發展的風險有關。色情媒體接觸與親密行為之間的長期交互關係,在控制其他相關因素後變得不顯著,只有親密行為的發生與下一年的色情媒體接觸程度有關;色情媒體接觸程度則與下一年親密行為發生的風險無關。根據本研究結果,分別對教育、政策、及未來研究方向,提出建議以供參考。


Purposes: This dissertation aims to investigate, 1, the development of pornography exposure and the associated factors; 2, the development of intimate behaviors and the associated factors; and 3, the longitudinal inter-relationship between pornography exposure and intimate behaviors, among boys and girls from 7th to 12th Grade. Methods: This dissertation uses data from Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) project. Valid sample consists of 1272 boys and 1210 girls who were at 7th grade in 2007. Group-Based Trajectory Analysis is used to identify the trajectory of pornography use. Latent transition analysis is used to analyze the development of intimate behaviors. Cross-lagged panel analysis is used to examine the longitudinal inter-relationship between pornography exposure and intimate behaviors from 7th to 12th Grade. Results: The most common source of pornography was videos and printed materials for boys and girls, respectively. Four trajectory groups of pornography use were identified for boys: early and heavy exposure group (18.9%), gradual exposure group (39. 8%), late exposure group (19.5%) and zero exposure group (21.8%). For girls, 3 groups were identified: early and heavy exposure group (16.0%), gradual exposure group (26.1%), and zero exposure group (57.9%). Late developed boys were less likely to be in the early and heavy exposure group, but early developed boys and girls were more likely to be in this group. Parental psychological control and peer behaviors increased the risk of early and heavy exposure, while parental monitoring decreased the risk. Peer use was a strong mediator between pubertal timing and pornography use, and the mediating effect was different for boys and girls. At 12th grade, there were about 25% of boys and girls who reported having kisses in the last year, and only less than 10% of the subjects reported having sex in the last year. Three latent intimate behavior statues were identified for boys and girls: low level intimate behavior status, medium level intimate behavior status and high level intimate behavior status. For boys, the overall advance rate from 7th grade to 9th grade (24.8%) was higher compared to the other transitions. For girls, the overall advance rate from 10th grade to 12th grade (23.6%) was higher compared to the other transitions. For boys, late development and parental monitoring decreased the risk of having intimate behaviors at 7th grade. For girls, Early development, family with middle income, and low parental education increased the risk. Pubertal timing was not associated with the transitional risk but prevalence of having sex among peers was associated with the transitional risk. The auto regressive effects of pornography exposure and intimate behaviors were significant among boys and girls from 7th to 12th Grade. Controlling other factors, having intimate behaviors at 7th grade increased the level of pornography exposure in the next year for early developed boys, and having intimate behaviors at 7th and 8th grade increased the level of pornography exposure in the next year for late developed boys. For early developed and normal developed girls, having intimate behaviors at 7th grade increased the level of pornography exposure in the next year. Except for early developed girls whose pornography exposure at 7th grade was negatively associated with having intimate behaviors at 8th grade, pornography exposure was not associated with intimate behaviors in the next year. There is no cross- lagged effect between pornography exposure and intimate behaviors among boys and girls from 10th grade to 12th grade. Conclusion: There are diversed types and statuses of the development of pornography exposure and intimate behaviors in adolescence. Pubertal timing, parenting styles and peer behaviors are associated with the risk of increased pornography exposure and intimate behaviors. Controlling the associated factors, having intimate behaviors are associated with the pornography exposure in the next year, but pornography exposure is not associated with having intimate behaviors in the next year. Implications for education, policy, and research on health behaviors and media effect are discussed.


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