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Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome




梨狀肌症候群 推拿 針刺 中藥


Piriformis syndrome usually results from compression or irritation to the sciatic nerve by the pirimormis muscle after injury. It could be called ”soft tissue impairement” or ”obstructive syndrome” in Chinese medicine terms. The clinical features include soreness and pain in the gluteal area and radiation symptoms to the posterior side of the thigh and the lateral side of the lower leg. There are palpable taut bands and tenderness in the piriformis muscle. Physical examination tests aide in the diagnosis and help to differentiate other diseases. The subject of the case report is a man of sixty-one years old, who complained soreness, pain and weakness on lateral side of right lower leg. The diagnosis of piriformis syndrome. was made after physical examination. We treated the patient with the combination of Chinese massage, acupuncture, and herbs. After several times of treatment, the symptoms and signs were completely resolved.
