  • 期刊


Mortality Trends of Drowning and Suffocation in Taiwan, 1982-2007





Objectives: To examine the national trends for drowning and suffocation mortality in Taiwan by sex, age, and cause between 1982 and 2007. Methods: Mortality data were obtained from official publications on vital statistics from 1982 to 2007 in order to determine the trends. Results: There were 38,588 deaths as a result of drowning or suffocation during the 26-year study period (drowning 76.1%; suffocation 23.9%). The mortality rate due to drowning was 5.35 per 100,000 and three times more males died of drowning than females. Children aged 1 to 4 years and elderly persons aged 75 years and above were the drowning high risk groups. The drowning deaths occurred mostly from June through September. During the study period, drowning mortality rates could be seen to decline. The mortality rate due to suffocation was 1.68 per 100,000, and the mortality rate among males was higher than among females. For suffocation by food, among infants under 1 year and among persons aged over 80 of age were the high risk areas. For mechanical suffocation, infants under 1 year had the highest mortality rate. In general, over the study period, mortality due to suffocation by an object had significantly increased, while the other types had declined. Conclusions: Over the 26-year study period, there was a decline in drowning mortality rates, but prevention is obviously still needed. Infants and the elderly need to be targeted in order to reduce death by suffocation. Furthermore, the mortality rate due to suffocation by object increased over the study period and therefore more effort is need to develop appropriate prevention programs in this area.


drowning suffocation mortality rate vital statistics trend


