  • 期刊


Outcomes of Psychoeducation when Treating Insomnia


Objectives: It is common practice to prescribe benzodiazepines (BZD) and benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRA) as hypnotics and sedatives at general practice facilities in Taiwan. The adverse effects of such drugs, such as tolerance and addiction, may happen when patients utilize the drugs inappropriately. The purpose of this study is to analyze the outcomes when a pharmacist counseling model for insomnia patients was instituted at a general hospital. Methods: This prospective study included outpatients who were taking at least two hypnotics at a general hospital in Taipei. We evaluated the extent of patient knowledge of hypnotics and drug abuse by questionnaire, which was followed by counseling as required by each individual case. The patients were requested to fill in a questionnaire that tested their knowledge of insomnia again at their next visit. Finally hypnotic use and the results of the questionnaires before and after receiving counseling were compared. Results: A total of fifty patients were enrolled. The average percentage of correctly answered questions from the first questionnaire was 63% and 34% of patients were classified as moderate to serious drug abusers. Twenty four of the patients returned and filled in the questionnaire a second time and the average percentage of correctly answered questions had significantly improved after receiving counseling (p<0.01). We also found the average hypnotic use of these individuals had been reduced after counseling. Conclusion: In this study we found that, after patients had received counseling, they became, firstly, more knowledgeable about insomnia and hypnotics and, secondly, were able to reduce hypnotic use in an appropriate way such that adverse effects were likely to be prevented.


Objectives: It is common practice to prescribe benzodiazepines (BZD) and benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRA) as hypnotics and sedatives at general practice facilities in Taiwan. The adverse effects of such drugs, such as tolerance and addiction, may happen when patients utilize the drugs inappropriately. The purpose of this study is to analyze the outcomes when a pharmacist counseling model for insomnia patients was instituted at a general hospital. Methods: This prospective study included outpatients who were taking at least two hypnotics at a general hospital in Taipei. We evaluated the extent of patient knowledge of hypnotics and drug abuse by questionnaire, which was followed by counseling as required by each individual case. The patients were requested to fill in a questionnaire that tested their knowledge of insomnia again at their next visit. Finally hypnotic use and the results of the questionnaires before and after receiving counseling were compared. Results: A total of fifty patients were enrolled. The average percentage of correctly answered questions from the first questionnaire was 63% and 34% of patients were classified as moderate to serious drug abusers. Twenty four of the patients returned and filled in the questionnaire a second time and the average percentage of correctly answered questions had significantly improved after receiving counseling (p<0.01). We also found the average hypnotic use of these individuals had been reduced after counseling. Conclusion: In this study we found that, after patients had received counseling, they became, firstly, more knowledgeable about insomnia and hypnotics and, secondly, were able to reduce hypnotic use in an appropriate way such that adverse effects were likely to be prevented.


BZD BZRA insomnia counseling
