  • 期刊


The Efficacy of Basal Insulin Therapy as a Treatment for Type 2 Diabetic Patients


目的:本研究之主要目的為探討基礎胰島素治療第2型糖尿病患之療效。方法:以某區域教學醫院門診藥師服務施打基礎胰島素之第2型糖尿病病患為對象,針對規律看診、固定糖尿病用藥且糖化血色素7%以上之病患,記錄施打基礎胰島素一年前後之糖化血色素、血壓和低密度脂蛋白數值,以paired t-test作統計分析。結果:本研究對象共計109人,其中男性51人,女性58人,平均年齡為62.2歲,平均糖化血紅素8.7%,平均體重66.8公斤,施打基礎胰島素一年後,糖化血色素值平均降低0.47%±0.05%具統計學上顯著差異(p =0.002),舒張壓、低密度脂蛋白的改善,具顯著差異,收縮壓之改善則無顯著差異。結論:本研究中糖尿病人經基礎胰島素治療一年,未發生嚴重低血糖,其糖化血色素、舒張壓和低密度脂蛋白下降均具有統計學意義的改善,故建議提升病人遵醫囑性及教導病人規律運動和清淡均衡飲食的減重衛教,並強調接受胰島素治療對血糖改善的優勢,以減低糖尿病的惡化而導致身體機能的缺損。


Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of basal insulin therapy over one year as a treatment for type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: The study was conducted on type 2 diabetic patients who have an HbA1c > 7% and who regularly visited doctors at the metabolic clinic of Taipei City Hospital. After one year of basal insulin therapy, changes in HbA1c, blood pressure and LDL-C were recorded and statistically analyzed using paired t-tests. Results: A total of 109 patients participated in this study, of which 51 were male and 58 were female. The patients at baseline had a mean age of 62.2 years and a mean HbA1c of 8.7%. After one year of basal insulin therapy, the HbA1c value had dropped by an average by 0.47 ± 0.05%, which is statistically significant (p=0.002). The diastolic pressure and LDL were also significantly improved. However, the systolic pressure did not show a significant improvement. Conclusions: When type 2 diabetic patients are given basal insulin treatment for a whole year, the HbA1c level, the diastolic pressure and the LDL level were significantly improved. In light of this, it is persuasively beneficial for patients to be treated using a basal insulin therapy plan.


