  • 期刊


The Effect of Weight Control Intervention on BMI and Psychosocial Outcomes among Junior High School Students


目的:有鑑於青少年體重過重問題日益嚴峻,肥胖亦造成青少年社會心理障礙的身心問題。故本研究以醫院主導之運動行為、飲食營養及心理諮詢教育等跨專業團隊體重控制介入成效進行探討,針對介入前後,其身體質量指數、憂鬱、自尊、身體意向及運動知覺之比較。方法:本研究採前測-後測之類實驗研究設計,以立意取樣方式由臺北市某公立國中一年級同學為介入母群體,依據BMI標準篩檢出體重過重學生共70人,分為實驗組與對照組。在實驗介入前就兩組別之社會人口學變項作統計檢定(性別、年齡、父母親婚姻狀況及父親的教育程度),介入前瞭解兩組別間Baseline Data是一致的。實驗組個案接受三個月的飲食認知與控制、運動的認知與實施、體重控制行為改變策略及身體意象四個面向的介入課程,對照組則不採取任何介入行為;對所有研究對象施予前、後測測量,以瞭解衛生教育介入之效果。結果:結果發現介入實驗組在「女生BMI值」(p<0.05)、「運動自我效能」(p<0.05)、「憂鬱程度」(p<0.01)及「身體意象」(p<0.05)表現比對照組佳,呈現顯著差異。而「男生BMI值」、「社會支持」及「自尊」則未達顯著差異。結論:整體而言,介入方案在心理健康(身體意象與憂鬱程度)、女生BMI值與運動自我效能皆有相當成效。建議未來相關單位朝向建立正向的身體意象、正向的體重控制自我效能及正確體重控制行為策略。


Objectives: Overweight has become increasingly serious among adolescents and caused physical and mental health problems among them. In this study, we evaluated the effect of weight control intervention on BMI, body image, depression and self-esteem among junior high school students. Methods: A total of 70 students from a junior high school were selected for participation in our study by purposive sampling with a quasi-experimental design. Students in the experimental group (n=35) were enrolled in the weight control intervention program that lasted 3 months, whereas those in the control group (n=35) received typical care. The baseline and follow-up data were collected before and after intervention. Questionnaires were distributed at 2 points, pretest and posttest. In addition to descriptive statistics, independent t test, chi-square test, and wilcoxon singed-ranks test were performed using the SPSS 22.0. Results: Girls who received the weight control intervention program had significant improvement on BMI scores (P<.05), exercise self-efficacy (P<.05), body image (P<.05), and reduced depression (P<.01) as compared to the control group. However, boys demonstrated no difference in BMI scores and self-esteem. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that weight control intervention was effective in increasing BMI scores, exercise self-efficacy, body image & reduced depression among girls. The program may be implemented in education & health organizations to establish positive body image, weight control self-efficacy and weight control behavior strategies among the youths.
