  • 期刊


Actinomyces in Unilateral Tonsillar Hypertrophy: A Case Report




A malignant rate of 40.2% has been reported in patients with adult asymmetrical tonsils. Tonsillectomy or tonsillar biopsy is recommended for these patients. A 32-year-old male with presentation of velopharyngeal insufficiency for over two months and without a history of recurrent tonsillitis visited our hospital. A grade IV hypertrophy of right tonsil was noted. Post-tonsillectomy histopathology revealed a normal tonsil tissue, but an actinomyces colony was identified in a tonsillar crypt on a pathological section. Seven English articles have elucidated if actinomyces may cause tonsillar hypertrophy, recurrent tonsillitis, cryptitis and post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. Actinomyces may be attributable to the unilateral tonsillar hypertrophy of our patient. It is also possible that the tonsillar hypertrophy was simply a developmental anomaly and the actinomyces a type of saprophytes living in the crypt by chance.
