  • 期刊


The Effect of Post-Acute Care Rehabilitation Program on Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Femoral Fracture: Cases Report


目的:本篇病例報告探討股骨骨折的病人手術之後,給予住院式密集的復健治療,是否能夠有效改善患者的骨質密度或是能夠停滯骨質密度的流失。病例:收錄了四位因首次股骨頸骨折或是轉子間骨折,急性骨折手術之後,經由轉介而來本院復健中心進行骨折後急性後期復健計畫二週的病患。藉由雙能量X光吸收儀來測試患者入院當天(D_0)、十四天住院復健計畫後(D_(14))、與復健後三個月(D_(90)),三個時間點的骨質密度的變化。結果:復健後追蹤三個月對側股骨頸平均減少了5.9 %,對側股骨平均減少了7.6%。結論:雖然髖骨骨折的病人於術後接受復健計畫能夠有效改善患者的行動能力與生活自理能力,但是沒有辦法單獨依靠運動計畫來顯著的改善骨質密度的流失。


Objectives: Hip fracture affects nearly 20,000 people in Taiwan each year and causes substantial devastating consequences in motor function, body composition and muscle strength. Our objective was to examine whether implementation of an intense 2-week post-acute rehabilitation program in patients who received operation after hip fracture might improve bone mineral density of the contralateral hip. Methods: We enrolled 4 hip fracture patients who had surgical interventions. These patients were transferred to our rehabilitation facility to receive the post-acute care rehabilitation program for 2 weeks. The rehabilitation program consisted a wide variety of tasks aiming to improve the muscle power, motor function, independence in activity of daily living, and quality of life. Results: Bone mineral density decreased by 5.9% over the contralateral femoral neck area and 7.6% over the contralateral hip area at the 3-month period. Conclusion: The rehabilitation program improved functional recovery, ambulation ability and independence in activity of daily living in 3 months, but not bone mineral density of the contralateral femur. We discovered some promising potentials of the rehabilitation program to inhibit the loss of bone mineral density. Future investigation is warranted.
