  • 期刊


Evaluating the Efficacy of a New Feces Collection Device


目的:目前糞便腸道原蟲檢驗之採檢容器是使用張氏糞便濃縮集卵檢查反應瓶(CFEA),今擬採用新型糞便採集器(SFCD)具凹槽可定量標準化,比較其檢驗結果是否一致,冀能有效提升檢驗品質。方法:由外籍勞工受檢者(250人)直接採集糞便至50c.c.之痰盒內,由醫檢師依標準作業流程塗抹糞便分別至二種採集容器內,利用硫汞- 碘- 甲醛染色試劑(MIF)進行濃縮集卵法染色及鏡檢。結果:比較二者之陽性率,二者陽性件數皆為29件,陽性率為11.6%,兩者結果一致,其中人芽囊原蟲佔陽性件數之93.1%,混合人芽囊原蟲及大腸阿米巴有一件(3.45%),哈氏阿米巴一件(3.45%),結果一致,此結果與統計近五年之檢測陽性率結果相仿,近五年統計陽性率12.39%,另比較二者之廢棄重量是有顯著差異(p<0.0001),SFCD明顯較輕。討論:目前使用CFEA收集糞便檢體較習慣,衛教容易,但檢驗過程中在加入試劑時須人工攪拌操作較耗力耗時,而SFCD具定量之溝槽,使得採集定量標準化與允許多點取樣採檢,但可能造成採檢不良,未來可以配合彩色衛教單張及數位影像衛教採檢方式,得以有效提升檢驗品質。


Objectives: The aim of this research was to compare the detection efficacy of parasite tests in stool samples collected from two types of stool containers. Methods: Stool specimens of 250 migrant workers were collected for the detection of intestinal parasites. Stool samples were collected and then separated into two types of device - the newly designed Siloam Feces Collection Device (SFCD) and Chang’s Feces Examination Apparatus (CFEA). Samples were examined microscopically after staining with MIF concentration method. Result: The prevalence rate of intestinal parasitic infection was 11.6% in which Blastocystis hominis (93.1%) represented the most prevalent parasite species. No significant difference of detection rates was found between the samples collected with the two devices. However, average waste weight of the CFEA was significantly higher than that of SFCD. Conclusion: The parasite infections rate (11.6%) of the current study was slightly lower than that of last five years (12.39%). Blastocystis hominis represented the most common parasite identified (93.1%). Due to the potential pathogenicity of blastocytosis, identification of Blastocystis hominis is thus important for disease prevention and treatment. Our research focuses on the development of a cost-effective methodology to reduce the waste of collection utensils as well as the amount of chemical hazards. The new SFCD device meets the need of efficient samplings. Moreover, patient education of appropriate collection procedure may further improve the efficacy of the use of SFCD-based methods.
