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Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: A Case Report




Objective: Many reasons contribute to chronic pelvic pain (CPP), among which pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) may be ignored by gynecologists. Getting acquainted with the features and diagnosis criteria of PCS improves the determination of the disease and thus, proper treatment can be offered. Case Report: A 49-year-old female underwent different gynecological treatments for CPP, but the pain persisted. Sonography revealed engorged pelvic veins, and PCS was impressed. Diosmin, a venoactive drug, was prescribed, and her pelvic pain remarkably improved. Conclusion: Diagnosing PCS requires thorough history taking, physical examinations, imaging evaluations, and exclusion of other common gynecological reasons; these differentiate diagnosis procedures are often overlooked by gynecologists. Various treatments for PCS, including drug and surgical interventions, are available. Diosmin is effective in relieving the pain of PCS and may be considered priorly before an aggressive treatment.


目的:慢性骨盆腔疼痛有諸多病因,其中骨盆腔充血症候群(pelvic congestion syndrome, PCS)可能被婦科醫師忽略。熟知PCS臨床表現與診斷標準有助於找出罹患此病的婦女,給予適當治療。病例報告:49歲女性因慢性骨盆腔疼痛接受許多婦科治療,但疼痛症狀持續。超音波發現骨盆腔靜脈曲張而診斷PCS,給予Diosmin(venoactive drug)治療後,骨盆腔疼痛有卓越改善。結論:診斷PCS需仔細詢問病史與身體檢查,搭配影像且排除其它常見的婦科原因;但此鑑別診斷常被忽略。PCS治療包括藥物與手術等,口服Diosmin對於緩解PCS疼痛有良好效果,使用較侵入性的治療之前可考慮優先使用之。
