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Nursing Experiences of a Resident Living in Long-term Care Facility with Social Isolation and Loneliness in COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Case Report



本篇描述一位COVID-19疫情期間,一位住宿型長照機構個案產生社會孤立和孤寂感的相關照護經驗。照護期間為2020年3月2日至4月20日,以Gordon十一項健康功能型態為評估架構,觀察、溝通、會談技巧蒐集資料。期間主要健康問題包含:身體活動功能障礙、焦慮、吞嚥障礙。護理措施:跨專業團隊照護與住民互動、利用科技產品與家人聯繫,降低社會孤立感和孤寂感;教導肢體活動、吞嚥肌力訓練等。結果:吞嚥障礙改善、可自我進食,拔除鼻胃管,日常生活活動量表(Activities of daily living, ADL)由20提升至60分。期待個案護理經驗分享,提供住宿長照機構未來照護類似住民情境之參考。


This article describes the care experience of a case with social isolation and loneliness living in a long-term residential care facility between March 2 and April 20, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns were used as a framework for the assessment, and data were collected using observation, communication, and interview techniques. Major health problems of the case included: physical activity dysfunction, anxiety, and swallowing disorder. Care measures, including multidisciplinary team care, interaction with residents, and science technology for family communication, were applied to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Also, physical activity instruction and swallowing muscle training were conducted. Results: The case had improvement in swallowing disorders and could self-feed. The nasogastric tubes were also removed, and the activities of daily living scores improved from 20 to 60. The sharing of this care experience provides a reference for caring residents living in similar scenarios in long-term care facilities in the future.
