  • 期刊


The Impact of the "Act on the Punishment of Intermediating in the Sex Trade" and the Police Crackdown in Red Right Districts on Sex Industry in South Korea


南韓政府於2004年頒布了「性買賣特別法」(Act on the Punishment of Intermediating in the Sex Trade)。此法案包括加重對妓院的持有人及性服務顧客的懲罰。法案推行以後,不少人認為此法案根本未能真正的壓制當地的性產業活動,而只能令活動傳統的紅燈區轉移至其他更隱蔽的場所繼續經營,造成了犯罪轉移(crime displacement)。犯罪轉移的研究在犯罪學的領域上受學者重視,其研究對於公共政策的制定及執法部門同樣重要。一個法案制定與執行的成敗,往往決定於法案制定及執行後會否出現犯罪轉移的情況。換言之,假若法案推行後出現嚴重的、大規模的犯罪轉移,就代表著法案未能有效打擊或減少罪行,相反,更有機會增加日後打擊罪案的困難度。在次研究中,我們採用了三種不同的研究資料作為研究基礎,包括2000年至2009年有關參與性產業活動的官方犯罪統計數據,一百七十四份有關性產業的新聞剪報,及一千多位當地性工作者問卷調查等資料作分析。我們發現南韓的反性產業新法例和一連串的掃蕩行動表面上取得成效,但事實上對於年資較長和曾經從事非性產業妓院賣淫活動的性工作者,以及性服務顧客的作用有限,反而出現了犯案地點轉移(spatial displacement)和犯罪手法轉移(tactical displacement)。最後,作者會從政策及理論層面作討論,說明犯罪轉移出現的決定因素是在於犯罪機會,犯罪者及監管措施等影響,為犯罪轉移的研究訂下新的研究方向。


韓國 性服務 性工作者 犯罪轉移


In September of 2004, the government of South Korea enacted the ”Act on the Punishment of Intermediating in the Sex Trade.” Included in the law are strict penalties such as large finds and long prison sentence for both the owners of brothels and their patrons. Despite this law, many observers in Korea have suggested that the legislation does little more than suppress the sex trade, which then causes it to displace from red light districts to more clandestine locations and leading to crime displacement. Displacement is a central concern of researchers, policymakers, and others concerned with crime prevention and proactive policing as it is a crucial indicator to evaluate the fail or success of the control measures. Serious crime displacement not only indicates the failure of the control measures, it also creates barriers in crime controlling in the future.The paper introduces the theoretical background of crime displacement and presents theories and general concepts of crime displacement. A in the years 2000 to 2009 and a news content analysis of crime displacement based on 174 newspaper articles as well as a secondary data analysis derived from a survey of 1,078 Korean sex workers in 7 cities throughout South Korea. Despite the official crime statistics reveals that the legislation and police crackdown seem to be successful, our findings indicate that the controlling effect on the johns, the older prostitutes with longer brothel experience is limited and consequently leading to tactical and spatial displacement. Finally, the paper discusses the implications of theory and policy for improving our understanding of current anti-prostitution policies and efforts to control prostitution.


Korea sex service sex worker crime displacement


蘇芳儀(2014)。我國性交易管制: 從女性主義與實證研究評析社會秩序維護法〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00049
