  • 學位論文


A Study on Control and Decriminalization of Sex Trade in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭逸哲


一九九七年的臺北市廢公娼事件使性交易、性產業以及性工作者議題開始浮上檯面,衝擊臺灣社會。十二年後,二○○九年的釋字第666號解釋將性交易的議題推升到了憲法層次,使社會秩序維護法罰娼不罰嫖的規定在二○一一年修正,其中影響最鉅者,當為性交易專區設置的規定。臺灣近年社會對於性交易的態度已漸趨包容,政府的行政、立法部門亦陸續展開對性交易法制與管制的檢討,之後並有了釋字第666號解釋。然時至今日,雖然已有數地方政府制定了性交易相關的管理自治條例,但無一縣市成立性交易專區,形成實質上的娼嫖皆罰,也為臺灣性交易管制的方向投下變數。 本文係以成年人間合意的性交易為前提,探討臺灣當前性交易管制與除罪化的方向。初始透過介紹臺灣更迭過的性交易管制政策,確立全面禁止性交易為不可行的結論。其後簡析釋字第666號解釋以及整理現行法相關規定,提出問題之所在。再者,關於政策的優劣利弊,則借鏡美、日等外國立法例的實踐經驗,試圖為臺灣提供一個思考方向。最後,本文透過對幾個大數據以及社會現象的觀察,認為臺灣對性交易的管制態度是朝向除罪化的方向前進,只可惜社會秩序維護法在諸多因素考量下沒有做出應有的突破。 結論上,本文抱持著性交易的除罪化或合法化必須在全體法秩序上一致的態度,分法制面與政策面提出建議。除了社會秩序維護法現行性交易專區之規定有所不妥、性交易服務者原則上不應處罰,對於性交易之第三人則建議只處罰有剝削或強制的情形;此外,針對性交易營業場所、性病防治、廣告等問題,則參照國外的實踐經驗,提出相對應措施供參考。


The abolition of licensed prostitution in Taipei City in 1997 impacted the Taiwanese society as issues concerning sexual transactions, the industry, and sex workers began to surface. 20 years later, the 2009 JY Interpretation No.666 brought the topic of sexual transactions to a constitutional level, amending the Social Order Maintenance Act that mandates punitive measures for prostitutes only in 2011, under which the regulation on the establishment of sex districts was most affected. The Taiwanese public has become more understanding of sexual transactions in recent years and the executive department, legislative department have also begun to review the sexual transaction legal system and control successively with JY Interpretation No.666 to follow. To date, though a number of local government have enacted self-government ordinances relevant to sexual transactions, no government established any sex districts, punishing both the prostitute and client, and in turn, adding variables to the regulation of sexual transactions in Taiwan. This paper is to explore existing controls on sexual transactions and decriminalization with consensual sex transaction between adults as a premise. First, the changes in sexual transaction policies are introduced to institute the conclusion that prohibition is not feasible. Then, JY Interpretation No.666 is briefly analyzed, relevant existing regulations are complied, and problems are pointed out. Furthermore, actual experiences in the US, Japan, and from other foreign legislations are used to attempt to provide a direction for Taiwan in regards to the pros and cons of the policies. Finally, through the observation of some big data and social phenomena, it is stated in this paper that the decriminalization of sexual transactions is the direction in which Taiwan should head. However, it is a shame that the Social Order Maintenance Act, due to various concerns, didn’t make the breakthrough it should have. It is concluded that all legal order must be consistent for decriminalization or legalization of sexual transactions to happen and advice is given in the aspect of legal and policy systems. Not only are the regulations on sex districts in the Social Order Maintenance Act inappropriate, but sex service providers should not be punished in general. It is advised to take punitive measures against third parties in sexual transactions only if exploitation or coercion is involved. Moreover, foreign practical experiences are brought up as reference for issues with respect to sexual transaction place of business, STD preventions, and commercials.


2.吳佳樺,難以置信的真相─論釋字第 666 號解釋與社會變遷,台北大學法學論叢,第84期,頁71-184,2012年12月。
