  • 期刊


A Study on the Drug Recidivism of Those Who Received Deferred Prosecution Addiction Treatment in Taiwan




再犯 戒癮 毒品 評估 緩起訴戒癮治療


The purpose of this study is to investigate the drug recidivism of those who received deferred prosecution addiction treatment in Taiwan by analyzing governmental data. The total number of the people who committed schedule I drug crimes and received deferred prosecution addiction treatment between 2006 and 2014 is 9,326, accounting for 8.5% of those who committed schedule I drug crimes. The total number of the people who committed schedule II drug crimes and received deferred prosecution addiction treatment between 2006 and 2014 is 8,691, accounting for 9.7% of all committed schedule II drug crimes. Compared to the people who committed schedule I drug crimes, the people who committed schedule II drug crimes were younger and more first-offenders. Until the end of April 2015, the recidivism rate was 63.8% and 38.5% for the people who received the schedule I and schedule II drugs treatment respectively. In addition, the results show that the recidivism rates were higher for patients who were male, between 30 and 50 years old, and committed schedule I drug crimes before.
