  • 期刊


A Study of the Impacts of Financial Education, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior on Learning Effectiveness-A Case of Cash Flow Board Game




This study explores the effectiveness of "Cash Flow Board Game" as a financial education. Quantitative and qualitative in-depth interviews with professionals in the industry through questionnaire surveys and factual statements. There were 401 valid questionnaires, and the questionnaire distribution and recovery period was from December 12, 2018 to December 27, 2018. The empirical results are as follows: "Financial management education" has a significant positive impact on "financial literacy", "financial management behavior" and "learning effect"; "financial literacy" has a significant positive impact on "financial management behavior" and "learning effect" , "Financial management behavior" has a significant positive impact on "learning outcomes"; "financial management education" has a partial mediation effect on "learning outcomes" through "financial literacy", and the mediation effect strength is 43.58%. "Financial education" has a partial mediating effect on "learning effect" through "financial management behavior", and the mediating effect strength is only 5.01%. Financial literacy and financial behavior have a complete mediating effect on the relationship between financial education and learning outcomes (distance mediation). The experts in the interview agreed that after learning and accumulating sufficient financial knowledge and experience through the cash flow board game, the monthly cash flow and asset income have increased significantly.


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