  • 期刊


Exploring the Effect of the Type of Unboxing Articles on the Helpfulness-In the View of Consumers’ Purchase Involvement


隨著消費者對於產品資訊搜尋習慣的改變,使得網路產品開箱文快速崛起,閱讀或收看開箱文已經成為消費者制定購買決策重要參考來源。本研究藉由實驗設計來驗證研究假說,建構的兩種實驗情境是放置於線上平台,來進行樣本受測和資料收集。共蒐集到147 份有效樣本。本研究發現,相較圖文呈現的開箱文,當開箱文為影片時,對於消費者更具幫助性。相較低購買涉入者,當消費者越具高購買涉入,越知覺到越高的幫助性。開箱影片不論對於高低購買涉入度的消費者而言,都顯著比起圖文開箱文能夠產生更大的幫助性。希望本研究結果能提供廠商於制定開箱文的撰寫或影音拍攝策略之參考。


Changes in the product information seeking habits of consumers have brought about a rapid increase in unboxing articles and videos on the internet, and they have become a crucial source of information that consumers use to make purchase decisions. This study employed an experimental design to test our research hypotheses. Two experiment scenarios were constructed and placed on an online platform to test participants and collect data. A total of 147 valid samples were obtained. The results indicated that consumers found unboxing videos to be significantly more helpful than unboxing articles with photos and text, regardless of whether they displayed high or low degrees of purchase involvement. However, consumers displaying a high degree of purchase involvement perceived more helpfulness than those displaying a low degree of purchase involvement. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide manufacturers with reference for the writing or filming of unboxing articles and videos.


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