  • 期刊


Establishing and Exploring the Effectiveness of the Multicultural and Gender-based Nursing Courses in a Vocational School


為因應台灣多元族群與文化照護的需求,護理人員專業知能與文化素養的促進,是護理教育的宗旨。本研究乃針對某一科技大學護理系學生,於九八學年度開設在職專班二技、一學期3學分的「跨文化之社區照護」新課程,應用演講、訪問記錄、PBL學習、與不同族群講師座談等教學方式,同時進行各項評量(包括作業及網路討論、紙筆測驗、期初/期末結構式問卷等),此課程介入前後,學生之「文化能力問卷」呈現顯著差異(Mean = 53.8 vs.62.5),在報告中學生亦表現出相互溝通、理解與關懷的態度。於九九學年度另開設四技三年級、一學期2學分的「性別、文化與健康」新課程(101.07.31 止),為配合修課學生屬性(無臨床經驗),採用影音觀賞及討論、校內講課及校外研習、南洋姐妹直接互動等方式,同時進行作業評量與期末問卷,學生期末之「文化能力問卷」得分為50.1,在每週活動中對於南洋姐妹互動之印象特別深刻,對於其他社會性別、生殖健康、與文化多樣等議題也表現出深切的反思與同理。本研究之課程設計與實施結果,期能提供相關教學機構與成員之參考依據。


性別 多元文化 護理課程


The current trend is toward multiracial and multicultural society in Taiwan, the diversity needs of nursing care recipients will be respect gradually. To counter this trend and to foster the development of nursing cultural competence and gender awareness, it is necessary to address the relevant issues of nursing education. The purpose of the study was to establish undergraduate courses and to explore its effectiveness as related to students' learning and thinking in the courses. In the 98 School Year (August, 01, 2009 through July, 31, 2010), the target sample was those who attended two-year school and studied part time. While the next School Year (August, 01, 2010 through July, 31, 2011), the target sample was those who studied nursing full time for four years. In the courses, there were variety teaching methods used including lectures and the use of digital multimedia occasionally, PBL, and workshop discussion. The qualitative data from online discussion forums weekly and quantitative data from a structured questionnaire were gathered during the two School Year. The result of the study showed that the participating students have positive responses to the courses experiences. This is expected this report will be a valuable reference and inspiration for nursing educators to incorporate into their education programs.


Gender Multiculturalism Nursing course
