  • 期刊

論Michael Walzer自由多元社會的平等與德行

On Michael Walzer's Concepts of equality and civic virtue in liberal pluralistic society


在當代的政治哲學領域中,Michael Walzer是位相當重要的人物,本文的主要目的是整理與闡述當代政治思想家Walzer關於自由多元社會重構的政治哲學觀點。根據Walzer所言,自由主義多元論的推論並不是多元的真實面貌,自由多元社會政治秩序的危機,在於自由主義誤解了文化對人類的重要性。據此,本文將透過文獻分析的方式,探討諸如複雜平等、分配正義、厚與薄道德理論、社會意義、寬容等Walzer政治哲學的核心概念,試圖藉此重新詮釋平等與寬容的觀念。


In the field of contemporary political philosophy, Michael Walzer undoubtedly occupies a significant position. The primary purpose of this thesis is to explore and explicate contemporary political thinker Walzer's political philosophy perspective concerning one that realizes the reconstruction process of liberal pluralistic society. According to Walzer, the liberal multiculturalism s inference is not pluralistic society real face. The crisis of liberal pluralistic social political order, he considered that the liberalism misunderstood the significance of culture to human agency. Therefore, I will through the analysis of the Walzer s essays to discuss some key theoretical concepts of "complex equality distributive justice, thick and thin, social meaning, toleration in an attempt to reinterpret the concepts of equality and toleration.


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