  • 期刊


Figurative Expressions in the Ancient Egyptian Royal Inscriptions of the 18th Dynasty


「形象表達」(Figurative expression),簡言之,是一種修辭法。在所有時代的任何一種語言中都會使用。它通常是由一串比較式或隱喻式的文字所組成,可以從任何物體的外觀、顏色、個性或是功能等方面來做聯想,進而與另外一個物體來做比較。在「形象表達」中兩個常用的表達方式分別為:「比較/明喻」(comparison/simile)和「隱喻」(metaphor),另外一個重要的元素則是「比較物」(teritum comparationis)。在第十八王朝的國王銘文中,「形象表達」的運用與日俱增,進而影響拉美西斯時期(The Ramessid Period)的國王銘文,它的使用達到顛峰。此篇論文的重點將探討關於動物界的「形象表達」,以及它如何在國王銘文中使用與其目的,以及它對國王銘文所產生的作用和功能。


國王銘文 形象表達 明喻 隱喻 比較物


The figurative expression is an important element of rhetoric and style. It appears almost in all languages and at all times. It can be defined as a group of words that include a comparison, a simile or a figurative sense. These expressions refer to similarities of shape, color, feature or function. Two important elements of figurative expressions are ”simile” and ”metaphor”. Without exception, the figurative language is found in the royal inscriptions of Ancient Egypt. This paper will look at the type, purpose and function of animal figurative expressions in the royal inscriptions of the 18th Dynasty.


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