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The Differences of Commentaries on Lao Zi from Liang Qichao and Yan Fu




梁啟超 嚴復 老子 政治理念 評價 歧異


Liang Qichao (1873-1929) and Yan Fu (1854-1921) was celebrated thinkers with substantial influences on modern Chinese thought, both accepted and imported into China western learning intentionally. They made reflective thinking on traditional Chinese culture from western perspectives, determined to quest for a thorough coalescence of Chinese and western learnings, and made outstanding contributions in refreshing traditional Chinese culture. Though they were common in the above grounds, Liang and Yan had very different views on traditional Chinese culture because of their difference western background and political beliefs.This paper focuses on Liang’s and Yan’s commentaries on Lao Zi as an example, in order to analyze and compare the differences in their discussions, to investigate reasons for the differences, i.e. , their methods of thinking, their historical and cultural backgrounds. At the end of this paper, a critical comment will be made on their discussions, and their contributions and limitations will be pointed out.


Liang Qichao Yan Fu Lao Zi Political belief Commentaries Differences
