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Qu Yuan's Aesthetics and the Beauty of "Marvelousness" and "Gorgeousness"in "The Lament"




屈原 離騷 審美觀


Qu Yuan is considered ”a marvelous figure exclusively in his times”-a national poet, a patriotic poet, and the first literary man officially recorded in Chinese history. Throughout his life, he had suffered hardships and struggles in tears and blood. His life can be seen as ”a marvelous story exclusively in his times.” Owing to his ”marvelous talent,” he came up with his marvelous work-”The Lament” (Li Sao). Scholars in ancient and current times have held him in high esteem, hailing him as ”a marvelous figure for thousands of years” (Remarks and Footnotes to Chu Chi, Li Chen-Yu, Ming Dynasty), as ”a loyal official” (Chu Chi Ting Chi, Huang Wen-Huan, Ming Dynasty), or as ”the father of Chinese literary composition” (Miscellaneous Notes on Essays). His literary accomplishments are eternally sustainable and brilliant, comparable to the lights of the sun and moon.Despite the fact that Qu Yuan neither produced any books on aesthetics nor constructed any system of aesthetic theory, his works demonstrate comprehensively his aesthetics, which is composed of potential aesthetic features that are diversifying, penetrating, fulfilling and lively, distinguishing itself in the pre-Chin history of fine arts. Based on the opinions of the Chu Chi scholars and my study experiences, the features of Qu Yuan's aesthetics, the remarkable and major ones, can be classified into six categories: (1) a harmonious combination of inspiring poetry of resolution and creative literary form, (2) a harmonious combination of internal beauty and external beauty, (3) a harmonious combination of personal integrity and natural beauty, (4) a harmonious combination of sense and sensibility, (5) a harmonious combination of gracefulness and grandeur, and (6) a harmonious combination of idealization and reality. Meanwhile, scholars, past and present, have always praised The Lament or Li Sao for its characteristics of ”marvelousness” and ”gorgeousness.” However, the two given terms have not been sufficiently elaborated. Thus this study was intended to interpret and explore them from various perspectives. As a result of analyses and research, the interpretation has been reached that the characteristic of ”marvelousness” in Li Sao can be observed from its format, creativity, structure, plot and writing technique while that of ”gorgeousness” lies in its spirituality, language, emotion, and imagery.
