  • 期刊


In vitro Culture of Sweet Potato. Ⅲ. Histological Studies on Root and Shoot Regeneration from Leaf Cultures of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.


本研究以添加不同種類、濃度之生長素IAA、picolinic acid(PIC)(0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0mgl^(-1)),IBA、NAA(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1mgl^(-1))之MS(Murashige-Skoog)培養基,探討對甘藷栽培品種臺農67號(TNG 67)及臺農68號(TNG 68)不同葉位葉片培養根形成及芽體再生與組織學的切片觀察。結果如下:二品種間芽體再生率臺農68號顯著高於臺農67號;不同葉位間芽體的再生率愈上位葉者愈高,愈下位者愈低。平均以第1葉最高,第2葉次之,而第3、4葉芽體再生率偏低或無芽體再生。四種不同種類生長素對葉片培養均可誘導器官形成及芽體再生;而以IAA最佳,次為NAA及IBA,而PIC較差。以臺農68號而言,再生率最高者為含有1.0mgl^(-1)IAA培養基者,第1葉為96.3%,第2葉82.4%;次為含有0.1mgl^(-1)NAA培養基者,第1葉為80%,第2葉75%;而含有0.5mgl^(-1)IBA含1.0mgl^(-1)PIC之培養基,第1、2葉之芽體再生率約在60%左右。又芽體形成之過程經石臘切片得知,培養28天後由誘導之根的皮層薄壁細胞分裂,分化形成芽體原基;30天接著旺盛分裂,分化形成枝端分生組織;35天枝尖分生組織伸長突破根表皮,內部維管束組織開始分化;40天枝端分生組織繼續發育,分化形成小芽體;基部則有葉原基分化,並產生維管束,約42天形成完整的芽體。


甘藷 生長素 器官形成 芽體再生 組織學


Leaves from different positions of Ipomoea batatas cv. 'TNG 67' and cv. 'TNG 68' were grown on MS (Murashige-Skoog) medium supplemented with IAA, picolinic acid (PIC), IBA, and NAA at different concentrations. Results showed that different cultivars, leaf positions, and levels of plant regulators produced various shoot regeneration rates. The cultivar 'TNG 68' obtained higher shoot regeneration rate than that of cultivar 'TNG 68' grown under the same medium. More shoots were regenerated from the upper leaf positions cultures than those from the lower leaf postions cultures. The cultures from the 1(superscript st) and 2(superscript nd) leaves had higher shoot regeneration rates, while the cultures from the 3(superscript rd) and 4(superscript th) leaves had very few shoots. Results indicated that growth regulators induced organogenesis and shoot regeneration of cultures, with a descending order of IAA, NAA, IBA and PIC. As shown in cultivar 'TNG68', the highest rate of shoot regeneration (96.3% and 82.4% in the 1(superscript st) and 2(superscript nd) leaves, respectively) was found in the culture added with 1.0 mg l^(-1) of IAA. It was 96.3% (1(superscript st) leaf) and 75% (2(superscript nd) leaf), respectively, of shoot regeneration rate for culture added with 0.1 mgl^(-1) of NAA. The shoot regeneration rate was 60% for both 1(superscript st) and 2(superscript nd) leaves in 0.5 mg l^(-1) IBA and 1.0 mg l^(-1) PIC treatments. From the results of paraffin section experiments, the processes of shoot regeneration were obtained as follows. The root cortex parenchyma cell division can be observed in the 28-d culture, and then to differentiate into bud primordial. After 30 days of culturing, cell division became more vigorously and branch meristem was formed. In the 35-d culture, shoot apical meristem broken through the epidermis and vascular tissue started the differentiation process. The shoot apical tissues continued the differentiation and little shoot formed in the 40-d culture. After 42 days of culturing, leaf primordia differentiation occurred at the base of shoot and formation of mature shoots and vascular bundles were completed.
