  • 期刊


Bioinformatics Collection and Statistics of Rice Disease/Pest Resistance Genomics Research


為加速水稻病蟲害抗性研究,以四個生物基因組資料庫(Oryzabase, Gramene, dbEST, KOME)的生物資訊為基礎,對水稻五種重要病蟲害(稻熱病、紋枯病、白葉枯病、褐飛蝨、白背飛蝨)的抗性基因組研究,如抗性基因、數量性狀基因座(QTL)、表現序列標幟(EST)及全長cDNA(FL-cDNA)的註冊情形進行了初步統計,並就相關進展加以綜述討論。透過多個生物資料庫的搜尋和資料整理分析顯示,目前這五種重要水稻病蟲害抗性基因及其QTL,均已被陸續鑑定出來,病害方面以水稻抗稻熱病基因相對較多,蟲害則以水稻抗褐飛蝨基因較多;但僅有受稻熱病及褐飛蝨誘導之水稻EST和FL-cDNA已登錄有序列資料。到2005年5月31日為止,NCBI的dbEST資料庫中受稻熱病誘導之水稻EST有85,105條,佔其所有水稻EST之22%,而褐飛蝨誘導之水稻EST則僅有188條。在KOME資料庫中受稻熱病、褐飛蝨誘導之水稻FL-cDNA各有9、11條,數量甚微,不到其所有水稻FL-cDNA之0.04%。


To promote the development of the disease/pest resistance research in rice, a highlight of information on rice genomics was presented. We searched, collected and integrated the rice genome information of five major diseases and pests (blast fungus, sheath blight, bacterial blight, brown planthopper and white-backed planthopper) in rice from four public databases (Oryzabase, Gramene, dbEST and KOME). The data of major resistant gene, quantitative trait locus (QTL), expressed sequence tag (EST) and full length cDNA (FL-cDNA) from multiple public databases were summarized in statistics that allow the researchers to easily understand the current progress in rice disease/pest resistance genomics research. The perspective in these fields was also discussed. So far, many major genes and many QTLs in rice resistant to five diseases and pests have been detected, especially for blast fungus and brown planthopper resistance in rice. However, only ESTs and FL-cDNA in rice resistant to blast fungus and brown planthopper were found. Up to May 31, 2005, the dbEST of NCBI has recorded 85,105 rice ESTs induced by blast fungus, which occupied 22% of total rice ESTs. Only 188 rice ESTs induced by brown planthopper were found in dbEST. Only a few of FL-cDNA in rice ESTs induced by blast fungus and brown planthopper, being 9 and 11 pieces, obtained from KOME database (less than 0.04% of rice FL-cDNA).
