  • 期刊


Changes in Temperature and Relative Humidity inside the Wraping Bag of Varied Materials in Hiemal Fruitage of Sugar Apple in Taitung Area


本研究自2010年10月至2011年3月於臺東縣臺東市鄰近縣市管河川利嘉溪河床新興地,擇一面積1.8 ha且地勢平緩之番荔枝果園為試區(121°4′56′′ E,22°44′36′′ N)。當地番荔枝冬期果多施以噴灌處理以防止寒害,但採用紙質或膠質套袋亦可防護番荔枝果實寒害,主因套袋具有改變袋內微氣象之效能。本研究針對市售常見聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)、牛皮紙(Pr)等不同材質組合之各種套袋內溫度與相對濕度對照其外之氣溫與相對濕度,在無進行噴灌條件下進行實測比較,期能提供相關氣象災害防護措施與方法之推廣依據,進而減少乾旱期間之水資源消耗。根據試驗結果,就夜間套袋內溫度比較,塑膠質套袋高於紙質套袋約1℃,而複合材質組合套袋內夜間溫度,以塑膠袋內襯牛皮紙袋者之袋內溫度有略高趨勢。因為番荔枝果實表面蒸散作用旺盛,使套袋內相對濕度多維持在90%以上。當2010年12月28日寒潮通過時,日間各種套袋內溫度分別大於氣溫達0.6~3.1℃,夜間則小於氣溫約0.4~0.8℃。依照材質比較套袋內溫度與其外氣溫之日夜間溫差,紙質為-3~4.5℃、塑膠質-5~4.2℃為及塑膠質+紙質為-6.5~4.2℃。膠質套袋對番荔枝果實防護寒害較紙質套袋或複合材質套袋為佳,內襯紙袋厚度增加時,將有助於維持套袋內之穩定相對濕度。


番荔枝 套袋 溫度 相對濕度


Water spraying is a common practice to prevent fruitage period of sugar apple from cold damages in winter season. Wrapping fruits inside a sleeve chartaceous or a plastic bag during the fruitage period of sugar apple are a simple and extensive-used practice to reduce or prevent from cold damage. The key point is that bagging treatment improves the micrometeorological condition inside the bag. This study was aimed at comparing differences in temperature and relative humidity inside and outside the commonly vended bags made of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) or kraft paper (Pr), under non water spraying period from October 2010 to March 2011. The experimental plot was selected from a sugar apple orchard (121°4'56”E; 22°44'36”N) located at a reclaimed land on the riverbed of Lijia River in Taitung Hsien, Taiwan. The size of the plot was 1.8 ha along a gradual topography. The results showed that temperature inside plastic bag was 1℃ higher than kraft bag's at nighttime, while temperature inside PE or PP bags was higher than that of Pr bags. Due to transpiration of sugar apple fruit, relative humidity inside bags was high, frequently greater than 90%. At a cold wave occurred on the December 28, 2010, temperature differences inside and outside the bags at a height 1.5 m above the ground surface were in range of 0.6-3.1℃during the day time and 0.4-0.8℃ at nighttime. The day-night temperature differences inside bags made from different materials were -3 to 4.5℃ in Pr, -5 to 4.2℃ in PE and -6.5 to 4.2℃ in Pr plus PE, respectively. Results suggest that plastic bag had a better cold protection than chartaceous bag and composite bag. Use a thicker paper to cover the interior of a bag can maintain a more stable humidity inside bag.


Sugar apple Bagging Temperature Relative humidity
