

選育新品種時,所有的候選品系需經過區域試驗進行產量評估,若區域試驗結果顯示基因與環境間的交感效應顯著時,不同品種試驗材料產量表現的排序會隨著試驗地區不同而有所改變。當基因與環境交感效應顯著時,得運用基因主效應加上基因與環境交感效應(Genotype effect + Genotype × Environment interaction; GGE)模式進一步闡釋區域試驗資料。本研究將採用GGE 雙軸圖解析臺灣水稻區域試驗結果,期能更有效的了解品系產量在各地區間變化趨勢。分析結果除了探討各品系的穩定性與各地區適應性,亦將區域試驗中的栽培環境劃分為分屬熱帶與亞熱帶季風氣候區的兩大生態群。分期作討論時,第一期作生態群劃分基準為北回歸線,第二期作則以中央山脈為劃分基準。由此可見GGE 交感模式的分析方法將區域試驗的大量資料轉化成圖說,有助於闡釋基因與環境交感效應,以提昇育種選拔與推廣策略發展的效率。


Before releasing novel varieties in Taiwan, all elite breeding lines are evaluated for yield performance in regional trails. When the data exhibit a significant genotype and environment interaction, the performance ranking of the tested lines would vary in different environments, in which the genotype and genotype by environment (GGE) biplot model may help to further elucidate the interaction. This study illustrates the analysis of GGE biplots using Taiwan regional rice trial dataset as an example. The results demonstrate the yield stability and regional adaptation of the lines, and cluster the tested environments into either tropic or sub-tropic climate type mega-environment. It is also shown that the two mega-environments were separated geometrically by the Tropic of Cancer and Taiwan central mountain area in the first and second cropping seasons each year, respectively. In conclusion, the GGE biplot model providing visualization of regional-trial dataset may help to elucidate the genotype and environment interaction to improve the efficiencies of breeding and extension strategy development.


Grain yield Rice Regional trial GGE analysis Biplot


鄭智允、吳以健、吳炳奇、李長沛、David Gealy、吳東鴻(2017)。臺灣雜草型紅米之形態歧異度分析台灣農學會報18(2),161-188。https://doi.org/10.6730/JAAT.201706_18(2).0005
