  • 學位論文


Analysis of Synonymous Codon Usage in Rice Genome

指導教授 : 趙雅婷




同義編碼 水稻 生物資訊


Patterns of synonymous codon usage vary among genes within a genome and different genomes as well. It is called codon usage bias when the amino acids show the preference for particular nucleotide at the third position of codons. In eukaryotes the codon usage bias is very complicated, and it is associated with many biological factors. This research analyzes the codon usage patterns in rice genome, as well as the relationship between the gene expression levels and the codon usage bias. The results show that there is significant correlation between the GC3 content and the measurements of codon usage bias. The higher the GC3, the stronger the codon usage bias is. Besides, higher-codon-bias genes expressed at significantly higher level than lower-codon-bias genes do. The biological functions and cell localizations of the high-codon-bias genes were assessed based on the Gene Ontology analysis.


synonymous codon rice bioinformatics


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