  • 期刊


Development and Prospect of Crop Genome Editing




Genetic variation is the basis of crop breeding. Over the past centuries, crop varieties originated through selection of natural variants during early human civilization. Several approaches such as hybridization breeding, mutation breeding, and transgenic breeding have also been applied to develop new crops with novel traits. The progress made in these breeding technologies has had a great impact on crop breeding as well as on our lives. However, with the continuously growing population and unpredictable dramatic climate changes, development of new technologies is necessary to secure crop production. In last decade, the gene-editing technology has been rapidly applied for crop improvement. Gene-editing technology is cheap, easy, precise, and generates gene-edited non-transgenic plants thereby gradually becomes a reliable technique to facilitate precision breeding in crops. Here, we summarize the development and application of the programmable gene editing technologies and the latest research progress. The advantages and challenges of genome-editing technologies in crop breeding are also discussed.


Genetic variation Crop breeding Gene editing
