  • 期刊


"Convenient" during the Process or as A Result-Event Structure of Synonymous Stative Verbs in TCSL


華語狀態動詞「便利、方便」詞義近似,近義詞詞典個別註為「不感困難」和「沒有困難」,一般詞典也以「便利」註釋「方便」。類似說明對華語人士而言或許足夠,但對二語學習者而言仍嫌模糊,難以釐清詞義分界,也無法說明詞語用法何以時同時異。Chief et al.(2000)經由語料庫研究,指出兩者事件結構有別,本文針對幾處疑點續作討論,證明兩者一為兼語動詞,表結果便利,另一為上升動詞,表過程方便。最後參照兩詞高頻用法編列例句,提供對外華語詞彙教學參考。


BIANLI and FANGBIAN both mean ”be convenient” and are often used to define each other in Chinese dictionaries. However, according to the corpusbased study of Chief et al. (2005), the two synonymous items focus on different sub-parts of event: BIANLI on the beneficial role, whereas FANGBIAN on the whole event. This paper aims to further study the event structure properties specific to verbs of convenience. Two types of predicates are distinguished: the pivotal predicate profiling on the result, and the raising predicate profiling on the process. Examples of the most frequent uses are also given in order to help CSL learners to better know the differences between synonyms.


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