  • 期刊


The Comprehension Process of Reading Classic Chinese Texts




This study explores ninth grade students' classic-Chinese reading comprehension processes, analyzes their comprehension difficulties, and finds out approaches to enhance the comprehension. Six ninth grade students at Keelung City participated in this study. Think-aloud protocols and feedback questionnaire were used to collect qualitative data. The results show that: (1) Four comprehension processes, including sentence meaning conjecture, word explanation, comprehension deepening, and comprehension correction, were observed in classic Chinese reading. (2) The frequency of sentence meaning conjecture is highest among the four processes. However, when the readers have difficulty to understand the meaning of the sentence, they adopt the process of word explanation. (3) Although the processes of comprehension deepening and comprehension correction can enhance understanding, they were seldom used. (4) The word recognition is the most difficult part of classic Chinese reading, and the lexical ambiguity and elliptical sentences always cause misunderstanding easily. This study suggests that Classic Chinese teaching should not only give vocabulary and background knowledge, but also encourage students to read classical Chinese texts independently and practice inferential comprehension and meta-cognitive thinking skills.


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