  • 期刊


Different in Form but Similar in Function: Modern Mandarin Utterance-Final Modality Particles and English Intonation


現代漢語句末情態虛詞與英語語調,雖然形式各異,而其功能卻極為相似。本文先簡略介紹英語語調研究的發展,以及近年來現代漢語句末虛詞之研究成果,進而比較匹配兩者之間功能的異同。研究發現,雖然英語語調標示「述位」、「焦點」之功能, 並非漢語句末情態虛詞所能執行,但就標示「主位」、「預設」、「確定」、「共識」、「對比/連接」而言,兩者間則具有極高的對應度。其中除了「呢」所標示的「對比/連接而外,其他均能最終回溯到「共識之確認與否」及「共識之確認出於發話者或受話者」兩個基本觀念,與Steedman(2000, 2014)所提出有關英語語調功能的主張頗為一致。


漢語情態虛詞 英語語調 主位 預設 共識


Mandarin utterance-final modality particles and English intonation, though totally different in form, are quite similar in function. This paper first outlines the development of modern English intonation studies and recent findings in studies of some common Mandarin utterance-final modality particles. It then tries to match the two systems for their similar functions. In spite of the fact that the functions of English intonation to mark "focus" and "rheme" do not have a match for the Mandarin particles, it is found that between the two systems there is a high degree of correspondence in their marking of "theme", "presupposition", "certainty", "common ground" and "contrast/continuity." Furthermore, all those functions, except for "contrast/continuity" which is signaled by ne in Mandarin, can be traced back to two basic concepts: realization in common ground and speaker/hearer agency in that realization. This seems to highly agree with what Steedman (2014:47) proposes for the functions of English intonation.


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