  • 學位論文


Application of Theme and Information Structure to the Teaching of Chinese-English Translation

指導教授 : 藍月素 董大暉


許多針對學術論文英文摘要的研究多集中在文體分析、語篇分析的探討,或書寫原則的介紹,對於涉及專業訊息繁雜且句式長的學術論文英譯研究在台灣卻不多。檢視學術論文的中、英文摘要時,發現英文摘要都是英譯中文摘要而來,且有部分中文原文句子的主位或訊息結構與英譯文相左,造成譯文的訊息與原文不相符,這是值得深究的問題。 本研究從臺灣碩博網護理學術論文之中、英文摘要中進行錯誤分析結果,發現學生在中、英文轉換過程中常發生英文主位、訊息結構及銜接手法的錯誤。為解決上述在中翻英時所衍生的問題,一方面利用Chomsky(1957) 所主張的深層結構與表層結構理論作為中譯英教學法的主要架構,二方面參考Halliday(2004) 的英文主位、訊息結構理論及銜接手法,並對比找出中文的話題、訊息結構及銜接手法,作為中譯英教學法的主要內容。本研究將「中譯英教學法」分為分析、轉換、及重組三步驟,以協助學生英譯含有繁複訊息的學術文章。 為進一步了解中譯英主位及訊息結構教學法的實施成效,本研究針對95位大三及大四學生進行一學期的教學實驗,並將他們分為實驗組(50位)與控制組(45位)兩組。本論文採量性分析法,一方面利用積差相關來檢測學生的英文能力與翻譯能力兩者的關係,另一方面利用t檢定檢視實驗組與控制組兩組學生在施用此教學法前後所測得之成績是否存在顯著差異性、以及實驗組之主位錯誤率及訊息錯誤率在前、後測中是否有顯著差異性存在。實驗結果顯示,實驗組在主位選擇、訊息選擇、及適當連接詞的使用三方面皆有顯著的成效,而本研究設計的「中譯英教學法」可以有效幫助學生免於受到中文的干擾。本研究最終希望藉由「中譯英教學法」協助學生在英譯含有繁複訊息的文章時,能夠選擇正確的主位,又能兼顧訊息結構的正確性與語篇的連貫性。


Many native Chinese speaking students have difficulty translating from Chinese into English, particularly long and complex sentences, and errors in their organizing information often result in wrong interpretation of the intended meaning in the Chinese source text. Despite many translation strategies have been proposed for translating from Chinese into English, few offer a comprehensive guide to translation students in practice. A Chinese into English translation approach based on Chomsky’s(1957) surface and deep structure, and Halliday’s (2004) theme and information structure, were designed and tested in this study. The application of the approach follows three steps: analyzing the source text, transforming the meaning, and restructuring the target text. A total of 95 English major students were recruited and divided into two groups: the experimental group (50) and the control group (45). This experiment lasted for one academic year in the advance translation class. Quasi-experimental design was adopted by using pretest and posttest in both groups. Quantitative methods were used to examine the effect of the approach. The results have shown significant improvement being made by the experimental group in terms of higher accuracy rates in locating the right theme and information, and using appropriate cohesive devices. It has been found that the approach prevents students from being influenced by the Chinese text, and helps them determine the correct theme and information before forming the target sentences. The result of this study helps enhance the effect of teaching translation from Chinese into English and suggests a new approach for helping students successfully locate theme and information structure in the Chinese sources and render them appropriately into English.


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