  • 期刊


Mediatized Taiwanese Mandarin: A Text-mining Approach to Language Attitudes


本研究透過資料探勘的方式,探討中國網友對於「台灣腔」的刻板印象。「台灣腔」所代表的是台灣華語經過媒體化(mediatization)之後,所呈現在中國觀眾前的一種語言型態,而非一般台灣人普遍的說話方式。本研究透過「網路爬蟲」,擷取中國天涯論壇上關於「台灣腔」的討論,建立語料庫,計算詞語間的相關性,並透過詞彙網絡分析(lexical network analysis)的視覺化方式,討論中國網友對於台灣腔的語言態度。詞彙網絡分析的結果發現,「可愛」及「做作」為中國網友討論台灣腔時所使用的核心詞彙。本文從媒體與語言的關係出發,討論這些核心詞彙背後的社會意涵。研究的最後將以「台灣腔」為例,分析華語教學中對於「標準」的迷思及語言的意識形態。


This study adopts text-mining techniques to investigate Chinese mainlanders' attitudes toward taiwanqiang, a mediatized variety of Taiwanese Mandarin. A corpus was constructed with 13,062 comments scraped from a Chinese online forum about taiwanqiang and Taiwanese TV shows. Finally, key qualifiers (e.g. babyish, cute, and pretentious) were visualized as a 'lexical network' with links between words or phrases to discover thematic or conceptual categories semiotically linked to taiwanqiang. Through the discussion of media and language attitudes, this study debunks the myth of 'standard language' in Chinese language teaching.


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