  • 期刊

A Comparative Study on Motivations of Japanese CFL Learners of Different Ages



Sustaining learners' motivation to keep learning has been a concern for over 60 years in education and second language acquisition (SLA). Most research focusing on Japanese university students has contributed lots of theoretical and practical developments. However, there is still very little research focusing on the motivations of non-traditional adults and those under 18-year-old to learn Chinese. This is true even though previous research findings have proved that age (as well as nationalities and Chinese language levels) is one of the key variables influencing learning. In order to find an effective treatment for sustainable Chinese language learning in Japan, the present study utilizes a survey method to analyze the types of Japanese learners' motivation to learn Chinese via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The study also compares differences in motivation via multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The study reveales that Japanese learners' motivation to learn Chinese consists of eight common types: instrumental motivation (I.M.), personal orientation (P.O.), identified regulation (I.R.), Chinese cultural products (CCP), integrating into the Chinese community (ICC), external regulation (E.R.), social responsibility (S.R.), and Chinese for academic purposes (CAP). The results support several theories, distinct from Gardner and Lambert's theory of language learning motivation , including Boshier's motivational orientations of adult education participants, Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory of motivation, and Dörnyei et al.'s theory of motivational dynamics in language learning. The study also reveals that: (1) the I.M., E.R., and S.R. in children, adolescents, and traditional adults are significantly higher than that in non-traditional adults; (2) the P.O. in children is significantly higher than that in traditional and non-traditional adults; (3) the I.R. in traditional adults is significantly higher than that in children, adolescents, and non-traditional adults; (4) the CCP in non-traditional adults is significantly higher than that in children; (5) the ICC in traditional and non-traditional adults is significantly higher than that in children and adolescents, respectively; and (6) the CAP in children and adolescents is significantly higher than in non-traditional adults. Based on the above findings, the present study, combined with the perspective of self-relevance enhancing motivation, provided the model of self-relevant-content-based approaches to stimulate Japanese CFL learners to learn Chinese continually. The current study also contributes to further exploration on how differently-aged Japanese learners can have (and use) a higher motivation as the main drive to learn Chinese throughout their lifetime.


在教育及第二語言習得領域,對維持學習者學習動機的關注已逾60多年。相關研究多以日本大學生為對象,且其成果對理論和實踐發展皆有相當程度的貢獻,但是,針對已有全職工作的非傳統成人學習者及18歲以下的華語學習動機之研究仍然屈指可數。儘管過去研究已經證明除了國籍和程度之外,年齡也是影響學習的關鍵變項。為維持日本華語學習者動機尋找有效良方,本研究採調查法,利用探索性及驗證性因素分析(exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis)歸納日本華語學習者之動機類型,並以多變量變異數分析(multivariate analysis of variance, MANOVA)比較其差異。本研究歸納出不同年齡層之日本華語學習者有八種動機類型,分別是「工具性動機」、「個人取向」、「認同調節」、「中華文化製品」、「融入華人社群」、「外在調節」、「社會責任」和「學術華語」。除了Gardner和Lambert的語言學習動機理論之外,此分類的結果也都分別支持了Boshier的成人教育參與者的動機取向、Deci和Ryan的動機自我決定理論,以及Dörnyei等人的語言學習動機動態理論。本研究也發現:一、兒童、青少年和18歲以上全職在學的傳統成人華語學習者的工具性、外在調節及社會責任動機明顯高於非傳統成人華語學習者;二、兒童華語學習者的個人取向動機分別顯著高於傳統和非傳統成人華語學習者;三、傳統成人華語學習者在認同調節動機上明顯高於兒童、青少年和非傳統成人華語學習者;四、非傳統成人華語學習者在中華文化製品動機上明顯高於兒童華語學習者;五、傳統和非傳統成人華語學習者的融入華人社區動機分別顯著高於兒童和青少年華語學習者;六、兒童和青少年華語學習者在學術華語方面的動機顯著高於非傳統成人華語學習者。本研究根據結果,並結合以切身相關增強動機的觀點,提出自我切身相關之本位內容方法模式來激發、維持日籍華語學習者學習的動機,同時,也對未來進一步研究如何讓不同年齡的日本華語學習者具有更高的動機,以驅動其終身學習華語之動力有所貢獻。


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