  • 期刊


Observation on Patent Litigation and Case Management


專利侵權訴訟與一般傳統訴訟相異,係為法律面、科技面、管理面三者的結合,具有其特殊性。在知識經濟時代,專利侵權訴訟的重要性與日俱增。面對專利紛爭全球化的趨勢,台灣的專利侵權訴訟機制也需有所變革。其中,最重要也最亟需改善的部分,即是建立正確的專利侵權訴訟之訴訟觀與案件管理模式。此舉不僅得以落實憲法所保障的程序權,更是營造優良知識經濟環境的必經途徑。吾人應本於無體財產權的法理,正視專利侵權訴訟異於傳統訴訟的智慧財產訴訟觀,包括:與產業之高度關連性、濃厚的全球化色彩、從審前程序落實程序權之保障、提升產業競爭力的基礎,以作為完善專利侵權訴訟之張本。 要改善台灣專利侵權訴訟機制,應注重案件管理模式之建構,包括:注重專利權利範圍的界定,並由當事人及律師就專利的有效性與否作論辯攻防;法院應透過審前會議,讓訴訟時程及早確定;並藉由中間裁判的方式將紛爭於審前階段解決。就現行法規而言,上開建議並非無法落實,然從立法面上從事革新方為釜底抽薪之道。 在日、韓等國之後,台灣也即將設立智財專業法院,本研究認為,應在訴訟程序上作根本的變革,以符合全球化專利訴訟的需求。在訴訟法理方面,以一元化的審判程序解決專利侵權紛爭、職權調查主義的限縮與排除、客觀舉證責任的緩和等,均是未來立法時值得採納的方向。


Patent litigation is the combination of law, technology and management, which differs from the conventional types of litigation. In the knowledge-based economy era, patent litigation has grown dramatically in importance. Faced with the trend of globalization in patent dispute resolution, reform of Taiwanese patent litigation mechanism has been definitely necessary. Among the whole mechanism, correct observation on patent litigation and model of case management, are the most important parts urgently in need. Thus we can not only further concrete the procedural right protected by the constitution, but also pave the path destined to developing the knowledge-based economy. We shall take the following observation of patent litigation seriously upon the basis of invisible property: close relation to business, globalization, protecting procedural rights from pretrial stage, foundation of promoting business competitiveness, to further improve patent litigation. For the purpose of reforming the pretrial procedure of Taiwanese patent litigation, we should first focus on the establishing an ideal model of case management, including claim construction process featuring on debates and examination between the litigants. The court should especially endeavor on scheduling the litigation procedure through pretrial conference, and seek resolution through mid-trial. According to the present laws and regulation, carrying out the above suggestion might not be impossible, however, legislative improvement should be a more radical way for the status-quo. After Korea and Japan, Taiwan is now establishing the Intellectual Property Court. In the opinion of this thesis, we should make fundamental reformation on the litigation process to meet the need of globalization. As for the principles for future litigation mechanism, we must settle patent infringement disputes with unilateral litigation procedure, decrease or eliminate active investigation from the court on the disputed issue, and change the doctrine of objective burden of proof. The foregoing suggestions can be taken into consideration during the legislation of the Intellectual Property Court as to provide solid reconstruction of patent litigation in Taiwan.


