  • 期刊


Concentrated Trial Proceeding in Patent Infringement Litigation


二十一世紀爲知誠經濟時代,國家經濟實力或企業競爭力,取決於其擁有之智慧財產權,專利權爲智慧財產權之重要部分,係以創作及發明爲基礎所形成之心智結晶,其具有不同產業領域之專業性與技術性。法院爲因應新世紀之需求,於二○○○年大幅修正公布民事訴訟法,採民事集中審理程序。因專利侵害事件亦爲民事訴訟之一壤,自應適用集中審理主義,於訴訟中進行爭點整理程序,促使紛爭解決一回性。集中審理得使此多樣化與複雜化之紛爭類型,達到妥適審判與訴訟經濟之目的。因專利權之範國取決於申請專利範閣,而申請專利範閣得記載數個請求項,每個請求項均爲獨立之權利保護客體,僅要其中一請求項受侵害,即構成專利侵害行爲。因專利侵害事件具有特殊性,不同於一般之民事侵權事件,導致專利權人於起訴時,難以明確特定訴訟標的與其聲明,法院自應善盡闡明之義務,先確定本件訴訟之審判對象,整理當事人有爭執與不爭執之請求項,進而經由爭點整理之程序,使當事人整理出事實上、證據上及法律之上爭執與不爭執部分。而法院僅就訴訟有關之爭點,進行證據調查程序,使有限之司法資源,作有效率之運用。參諸美國法制,美國法院在馬克曼聽證程序(Markman Hearing),會審酌專利權人所提證據與本案所確立之原則,確定系爭奪利範固與當事人之爭執掌項,其精神與我國集中審理相同,經由此聽證程序,大致即可決定雙方輸贏之走向,其有促使雙方儘早達成和解之目的,使司法資源得有效率之運用。我國於二○○七年三月二十八日制定公布智慧財產法院組織法、智慧財產案件審理法,使我國處理專利事件邁向專業化之方向,智慧財產法院並於二○○八年七月一日正式成立,以因應新法之制度。因我國法院審理專利爭訟事件,已朝向司法一元制發展,智慧財產法院於審理專利事件中,擁有法規範之審查權,自得審查專利有效性,其具有縮短訴訟程序與正確適用專利法見解等功能,益加突顯集中審理之效益。


Patent right plays a crucial role in the Intellectual Property Rights and that is closely related with the economic system of the country. Based on the intellectual invention, patent system includes diverse professional and technical fields. With the increasing need of improvement, the court uses the procedure of centralization since 2000 to solve the complicated disputing cases and to achieve the aim of proper judgment. The scope of patent right is made up of various independent claims. The infringement of a patent is occurred when one of the claims is involved in the patentability dispute. Unlike the civil case infringement, the infringement of patent right has the professional concern. The court should clarify the party of litigation and disputing claims based on the evidence and definite laws to investigate effectively. After the enactment of Intellectual Property Court Organization Act and Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act in 2007, the Judicial Yuan in our country now begin to set up Intellectual Property Court. When established, the litigation process will be shorted because valid patent laws will be applied more effectively. The advantages of centralization will be observed in the protection of a patent law.
