  • 期刊


Ice Houses, Frozen Ships and Fresh Seafood: The Frozen Fishery and Seafood Consumption in Jiangsu-Zhejiang China, 1368-1930s




明清 藏冰 冷凍漁業 海產 漁業史 飲食史


This article intends to trace the development and related problems of coastal frozen fishery since the Ming dynasty in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang area. There are three focuses in this article: First, the connection between sea fishery and ice-houses since the Ming dynasty; second, the inside disunion of frozen fishery; finally, the relation between the expansion of frozen fishery and the transformation of daily diet among the people. The first focus investigates the condition of stock ice in Suzhou, Shanghai, Zhapu, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Zhenhai and Zhoushan, and its relation with the frozen fishery. The second focus discusses the emergence of the merchantmen specialized in buying frozen seafood from the fishing boats since 1550s, and the brokerage business of frozen seafood between those merchantman and the fish-peddler from the 18th-century. The final focus explores how the expansion of frozen fishery resulted in the increasing consumption of seafood.


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陳元朋(2005)。舉箸常如服藥 ——本草史與飲食史視野下的「藥食如一」變遷史〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.01579