  • 期刊


Nutrition and Health Delivered to Your Home:Yakult and Yakult Ladies in Taiwan




The lactic beverage Yakult was introduced to Taiwan in 1962 and promoted by its unique sales system of "Yakult ladies" from 1966 onwards. This drink and its female salespersons became well-known and gradually created distinct collective memories for the Taiwanese people. Owing to its promotion over the long term as well as the Yakult ladies system, over the decades Yakult not only has secured its dominant market share but also has echoed diverse popular ideas about milk products, children's drinks, health drinks, and recreation drinks. This article explores how Yakult has been savoured by the Taiwanese for diverse reasons associated with Taiwan's changing concepts of nutrition and health, and how its drink promotions can also serve as a means to trace how Taiwanese concepts of body and health have changed. By analyzing ethnographic and textual data, this paper portrays the key role Yakult ladies have played in different regions and generations played in their promotions of Yakult.


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