  • 期刊


The Study in Developing Contents of Initial Training Guidance in Beginning Teacher for Electrical and Electronic Cluster of Vocational Senior High School



本研究旨在探討高職電機電子群實習教師實習輔導內涵之建立,係針對師範大學工教系大學部、師範大學工教系研究所、公私立一般大學、公私立科技大學及技術學院六類不同教育背景之高職電機電子群實習教師,分別建立其實習輔導內涵項目。 本研究採用Hermeneutic研究法,經由相關文獻探討,並依據理論設計「高職電機電子群實習教師實習輔導內涵需求檢核表」,鑒請學者專家共十人,分兩組針對教學計劃與實施、教師生活與人際關係、班級經營與學校行政、實習工場管理、專業知識與技術五大實習輔導內涵向度,依教育背景的不同進行專家檢核。調查資料經統計分析,獲得主要結論如下: 一、高職電機電子群實習教師實習輔導內涵,分為五個向度,共計55項。其中「教學計劃與實施」方面有6項;「教師生活與人際關係、」方面有9項;班級經營與學校行政」方面有8項;「實習工場管理」方面有9項;「專業知識與技術」方面有23項。 二、師範大學工教系大學部畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,26個項目。 三、師範大學工教系研究所畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,30個項目。 四、公立一般大學畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,25個項目。 私立一般大學畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,33個項目。 五、公立科技大學及技術學院畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,25個項目。 六、私立科技大學及技術學院畢業之高職電機電子群實習教師最為需要之實習輔導內涵計有五個層面,32個項目。 七、本研究所得結論可作為大學院校規劃培育高職電機電子群師資課程之依據,並可作為架構高職電機電子群實習輔導內涵之參考。


This research is for the purpose of inquiring the development of initial training guidance content for beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school. It is for beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school who come from six different educational backgrounds, including NTNU industry educational department (university and institute department), national-private general university, national-private technological university, and institute of technology, to establish the items of initial training guidance content individually. This research uses Hermeneutic method to inquiry by relational documents and designs ”The neediness check list of initial training guidance content for beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school” according theory. It invites ten scholars and experts which be divided into two groups, then according their different educational backgrounds to carry on experts check in five initial training guidance content dimensions. Including plan and execution in teaching, life and personal relationship for teachers, classroom management and school administration, management in practical training field, professional knowledge and skill. After statistical analysis in investigating data, we gain major conclusion as follows: 1. The experts have achieved consensus on six items in plan and execution in teaching, nine items in life and personal relationship for teachers, eight items in classroom management and school administration, nine items in management in practical training field, twenty-three items in professional knowledge and skill. 2. Five layers and twenty-six items in initial training guidance content is the. most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from NTNU industry educational department. 3. Five layers and thirty items in initial training guidance content is the most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from NTNU industry educational graduate school. 4. Five layers and twenty-five items in initial training guidance content is the most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from national general university. 5. Five layers and thirty-three items in initial training guidance content is the most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from private general university. 6. Five layers and twenty-five items in initial training guidance content is the most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from national technological university, and institute of technology. 7. Five layers and thirty-two items in initial training uidance content is the most necessary for the beginning teachers in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school that graduated from private technological university, and institute of technology. The conclusion of this research can be acted as accordance for plans of university in developing the teacher training curriculum in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school, and can be the reference for constructing the initial training guidance content for electrical and electronic cluster of vocational senior high school.
