  • 期刊


The Dynamic Relationship and Permission Management of Web Managers in TVE Course Data-base



網站管理者層次與架構為網站管理與維護核心機制之一,本研究主要分析技職課程上綱之網站管理者層次結構、權限及處理機制,以作為在Internet技職校院課程查詢系統的維護管理重要支援機制。為了減少系統管理員的負擔,本研究提出Pipeline及樹狀結構方式的管理機制,由系統管理者針對每校的負責人員,將資料管理權限下放各校,由各校來維護課程資料。文中並利用派翠西網路(Petri-nets)分析網站系統管理員、各校總管理員、各校部門管理員、資料維護員、公佈欄管理員及一般使用者等六者間的可能動態運作行為,藉以塑模出系統網站運作的動態機制,並轉置成為本網站系統管理與維護的控制架構與模式。此外,本文並使用知識表徵技術(knowledge representation techniques)、E-R Model,來擷取相關的內容與描述系統管理者層次結構。


The level grouping of Web site managers is one of the kernel mechanism in Web site management and maintenance. This study is focused on analyzing the level grouping, authority and processing mechanism of Web site managers in TVE courses so as to be the important supporting mechanism in the maintenance and management of TVE course searching system on Internet. In order to reduce the loading of system managers, this study proposes that system managers can release the data-base authority to those people in charge of maintaining the course data in their schools. In this study, Petri-nets is used to analyze the dynamic relationships between Web site system managers, head managers, department managers in schools, data protectors, post-board managers and general users so as to make the dynamic mechanism of system Web site operation and then transfer it to be the controlling mode and mechanism in the management and maintenance of the Web site system. In addition, knowledge representation techniques and E-R Model are used in this study to obtain the relative information and to describe the level framing of system managers.
