  • 期刊


Construction of the Education Quality Management and Evaluation Model Using ISO-9000:2000 Approach



ISO-9000品質保証系統自1987年由國際標準組織(ISO)公布以來,已成為全球各產業品質管理之最高指導綱領,我國經濟部亦於民國七十九年將ISQ-9000系列轉換為CNS-12680系列之國家標準。近年來國內逐漸有供應無形產品或勞務之公司〔或法人機構〕,如管理顧問公司、工研院相關研究所、各級縣市政府或所屬部門,亦競相投入於ISQ-9000之認証通過。至於學校教育單位,以國立高雄科學技術學院(高雄應用科技大學前身)最早取得ISQ-9002認證,元智大學則最早通過ISQ-9001認證,接著陸續有多所大學跟進。教育部更於民國八十八年底發文各技職校院鼓勵辦理國際品保(ISQ-9000)驗證制度。 然而原本技職教育單位之辦學績效評估實施已久,且成效亦備受肯定,何以教育部會鼓勵技職校院辦理ISQ-9000之品質系統認證?本計畫擬由lSQ-9001:2000之架構為基礎,將技職教育事業流程展間,訂定各項品質管理之機制;同時考量現行技職學校評鑑模式,及評鑑相關理論與作法,對照ISO-9000:2000所列之各項條款要求,期能提供教育評鑑之另一種參考架構。


Since being announced by International Standard Organization (ISO) in 1987, the ISQ-9000 quality assurance system has become the highest guidance of quality management of all industries in the world. Ministry of Economic Affairs replaced ISQ-9000 by CNS-12680 national standard in 1990. Recently, some serving companies, like management counsels and some institutes in Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), county or city government and departments al1 make every endeavor to pass the certification of ISQ-9000. As to the educational units, National Kaohsiung First University was the first one to obtain the certificate of ISO-9002 and Yuan-Ze University was the first one to pass ISO-9001 certification. Later on, more and more universities follow the tendency. However, the evaluation on managing a school has been carried out by technological and vocational education units for a long time and the result has been positive. Why Ministry of Education still encourages technological and vocational schools to pass the certification of ISO-9000 quality assurance system? This project wil1 be based on ISO-9001:2000 to develop the process of technological and vocational education business, and draw up the principles of quality management. Meanwhile, it wil1 also examine CIPP evaluation mode of technological and vocational schools and compare with the enclosed self-evaluated mode of ISO-9000:2000 with the expectation of providing another referring frame of educational quality evaluation.


