  • 期刊


Needs Assessment and Analysis and Influenced Factors for Electronic Performance and Learning Support in Taiwan's Corporate Organizations





This study aims to assess and analysis the needs of Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) in corporate organizations, and to explore the inf1uenced factors in the needs. Survey target groups are corporate HRD and training professionals, which samplings are selected from Tei-Hi Magazine (top 1000 manufactures, top 500 services, top 100 finances and insurance) and Business Weekly (Top 1000 companies). Totally 545 companies are randomly selected and mailed survey questionnaires, effective reclamation is 246 companies with ratio 45.14%. Content of the questionnaire is revised though the pre-test and pilot study. The Cronbach α coefficient is large than 0.8, the reliability and validity are thus enough. The statistical methods used in this study includes: frequencies, one-way ANOV A, correlation, and stepwise mu1tiple regression. The results of the study are as follows: (1) Around 80% companies have over-general needs on EPSS. (2) There is no statistically significant difference on EPSS needs for business types, employees, computer uses, years of computerization. (3) There is a statistically significant difference on EPSS needs for job types as well as for seniorities of employees. (4) Working seniority and deficiency of information system are correlative with EPSS needs. (5) Deficiency of information system is a strongest factor that affects EPSS needs. (6) Tenderfoot worker and lower level of job of worker more need electronic performance support. (7) Deficiency of corporate training does not affect the needs on EPSS.
