  • 期刊


Research on Teachers' Awareness of Vocational High School to Upgrade in Taipei Area



本研究主要目的在瞭解高職學校技職教師對高職轉型覺知之現況,並探討其影響之因素,根據研究結果,作出具體之結論及建言,以作為高職課程規劃、高職轉型等方向之參考。 本研究採用描述研究法,透過文獻探討與問卷調查方式達成。研究資料的蒐集則以研究者透過文獻分析為理論基礎,之後編製完成「技職教師對高職轉型覺知問卷」經預試及專家諮詢後完成,向大台北地區(台北市、台北縣、基隆市)之公私立高職學校技職教師隨機取樣,92年4月發出631份,5月問卷回收完畢,回收有效問卷為436份,有效問卷佔全部發卷比率為70%。蒐集所得資料經統計分析,獲致以下主要結論: 一、技職教師對社會期望構面達略不同意程度,至於技職教師配合學校措施、個人因應、積極參與及表達個人看法均呈現略為同意的看法。 二、影響高職學校技職教師對高職轉型覺知之因素,共有八個變項:公私立、性別、擔任課程、婚姻、參與產業合作情形、服務年資、擔任職務及取得證照情形。 最後,本研究根據研究發現、結論,分別對技職教師個人、學校及教育主管機關三方面提出建議,以期對於高職教育有所幫助。


This study aims to explore the dimensions and present status of vocational teachers' awareness to upgrade in vocational high school, and some important variables of personal background that may affect the awareness. According to the result of research, conclusions and suggestions were proposed for the reference of vocational schools' courses program and schools to upgrade. Descriptive research methods, aided with literature reviews and surveys, were used in this study to collect information on vocational teachers' awareness of transformation. The research used a self-developed questionnaire entitled ”Questionnaire on Vocational High School Teachers' Awareness to Upgrade” as its instrument, after the pre-test and experts' consultation, Study samples were63 1 vocational teachers on April 2003 in Taipei Area (Taipei city, Taipei Hsieh, Keeling City), return the questionnaires on May. There were 436 valid questionnaires returned, accounting for 70% of the total questionnaires distributed. After the collect data and statistical analysis, the conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows: 1.for social expect domain is slightly disagree, Other's domain are slight agree. 2.Personal background variables that affect awareness are eight variable: sex, course of teaching, marriage, participating the industries, number of years in teaching, job and license. Finally, based on the research findings and conclusions, substantial suggestions are made and are provided to enhance vocational education from the following three aspects: individual teachers, school and educational authorities.


