  • 學位論文


A Study of Metaevaluation on Taipei City's Vocational High School Evaluation

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在了解臺北市高職評鑑委員及受評人員對臺北市高職校務評鑑之認同度。並了解不同背景之評鑑委員及受評人員對臺北市高職校務評鑑標準的差異情形及比較不同背景之評鑑委員及受評人員對臺北市高職校務評鑑認同度的差異。 本研究以參加九十一至九十三學年度臺北市高職評鑑的行政人員(主任、組長及科主任)為母群體,依學校類別進行抽樣;另評鑑委員則進行普查。最後進行專家訪談校正。於九十四年四月二十三日寄發正式問卷進行調查,五月四日至十一日進行催收工作,受評學校部分共計寄發420人,評鑑委員部份共發放129人進行正式問卷施測。受評學校問卷回收347 份,剔除無效問卷10份後,得有效問卷337份,有效問卷回收率為80.2%;評鑑委員問卷回收88 份,剔除無效問卷2份後,得有效問卷86份,有效問卷回收率為66.7%。調查所得之資料以描述統計方法之次數分配及百分比、平均數與標準差、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、克-瓦H檢定、事後考驗Scheff`e法進行統計分析。 綜合本研究之研究發現,結論如下: 一、受評人員對臺北市高職校務評鑑之認同度在整體、各標準層面(效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性)均表「尚可」。 二、評鑑委員對臺北市高職校務評鑑之認同度在整體、各標準層面(效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性)均表「同意」。 三、受評人員的服務年資為11~20(含)年對評鑑的認同度顯著高於10(含)年以下。 四、受評人員的學校型態為「高職」對評鑑認同度顯著高於學校型態為「高級中學附設職業類科」。 五、「公立學校」的受評人員在評鑑「適切性」標準層面認同度顯著高於「私立學校」。 六、受評人員的性別、學歷、擔任職務及參與評鑑範疇對評鑑整體及各標準層面均無顯著差異。 七、評鑑委員參與不同評鑑範疇對評鑑整體及各標準層面達顯著差異。 八、評鑑委員有無「高職教學經驗」對評鑑整體及各標準層面均無顯著差異。 九、評鑑委員對校務評鑑之整體及各標準層面(效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性)認同度顯著高於受評人員。


校務評鑑 後設評鑑


The study aimed at understanding the approval degree, the diversity toward Taipei City's Vocational High School evaluation, and the diversity of approval degree on different background of members in Taipei City's Vocational High School evaluation committee and those who had been evaluated. Companied by taking survey on members of committee, the researcher took school administrators who had participated in Taipei City's Vocational High School evaluation as population, and used sampling method to get sample. Questionnaires were given out on April 23, 2005 and urged knocking off during May 4 to May 11. 420 people of the being evaluated school and 129 people of the committee members had received the questionnaires. 347 questionnaires had been mailed back by schools which had being evaluated. After 10 invalid questionnaires were eliminated, the researcher got 337 valid questionnaires, so the valid rate was 80.2%. On the committee member part, 88 questionnaires had been mailed back. After 2 invalid questionnaires were eliminated, the researcher got 86 valid questionnaires, so the valid rate was 66.7%.The data of the questionnaires was analyzed by using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Krustal Wallis H test, a posteriori multiple comparison--Scheffe' method. The finding of this research was as follows: 1. After taking an average from five selected item: highly approval, approval, average, disapproval, highly disapproval, those who had been evaluated owned a little higher than average approval degree on the whole, and on every standardized level (utility , feasibility , propriety , accuracy). 2. Committee members owned approval degree on the whole, and on every standardized level (utility, feasibility, propriety, accuracy). 3. Those who had been evaluated and served school for 11-20years (included) showed highly approval degree than those who served school for less than 10 years. 4. Those who had been evaluated and served in "Vocational High School" showed highly approval degree than those who served in "Senior High School which also include vocational high school program". 5. Compared with those who had been evaluated and served in "Private high school", those who had been evaluated and served in "Public high school" showed highly approval degree toward "propriety" item. 6. Those who had been evaluated and had different background showed no significant difference on the whole approval degree. 7. Those committee members who had participant different evaluation area showed obvious difference on the whole approval degree. 8. Whether those committee members who had experience in teaching vocational high school or not, the research showed no significant difference on the whole approval degree,and 9. Compared with those who had been evaluated, the committee members showed highly approval degree on the whole, and on every standardized level.


4. 田振榮、李基常、張晉昌、許全守(民92),台灣省暨金馬地區高級職業學校評鑑期末報告。臺北:國立台灣師範大學工業教育學系。
14. 吳毓瑩(民85),量表奇偶數的效度議題。調查研究,2,5-34。
27. 曾淑惠(民91a),高級中等學校評鑑分析。技術及職業教育雙月刊,70,2-9。臺北:教育部技職司。
24. 彭利源(民90),高級職業學校後設評鑑之研究-以台灣省學校為例。國立臺灣師範大學工業教育研究所碩士論文。
50. 謝美慧(民90),教育政策評鑑理論之研究-以北高兩市幼兒教育券政策為例。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所博士論文。


