  • 期刊


Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism "Deliver Neo-Confucianism Concept by Literature" the Thought and the Special Performance Characteristics




攝文歸理 理學詩 生意 文道 理學與文學


What are the thought and the special characteristics of Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism in the literature territory? This article attempts to explain the concept of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”. It is divided into three parts: The first part is to discuss the thought connotation of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”; the second part is to explain the special characteristics of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”; and the last part is to discuss the thought vein and the meaning of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”. Regarding the thought connotation, this article discusses the meaning and the formula of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”. Regarding the special characteristics of ”deliver Neo-Confucianism concept by literature”, this article will compare them with the traditional concept and how they are expressed to analyze the attributes after the transformation. The attributes include four aspects: writing about an object but delivers more than that object; understanding Dao but not restricted by Dao; having principle but not constrained by principle; express one's feeling but not burdened by it, and it concludes at the concept of vitality. Finally, just like ”to write a poem, you need to understand 'The Book of Odes' first,” the Neo-Confucianists opened up how people view literature through returning to the classics.
