  • 期刊


A Discuss of the Chinese Intelligence Agencies Operation to Taiwan


就台海兩岸目前情勢發展,不管是激烈對抗或是真能和平相處,雙方基於維護各自國家安全的需要,都必然會全力設法取得對方在政治、社會、經濟和國防軍事方面的情報,以作為相關政策的主要參考。但究竟中共對台情報的理念為何?對台情報組織是如何運作?近年來,中共對台情報作戰曾有哪些作為?雖然坊間不乏相關討論,惟資料分散蕪雜,難以窺其全貌。因此,本文旨在針對此節進行討論。 研究發現,中共在對台情報方面,採取「廣積薄發」方式,分別在黨政軍方面設置專責機構進行對台情報蒐集。在軍方部分,除廣為人知的解放軍總參謀部、總政治部外,目前正積極建構「華東電戰網」,透過網路進行對台滲透;在中國共產黨方面,除統戰系統外,外界多忽略中共中央辦公廳的角色;至於在政府部門方面,中共透過國台辦研究局、國家安全部、公安部等機構,從海內外蒐集對台情報。 此外,中共在海外部分,取得美國、日本、歐洲、東南亞的對台情報,其手段包括籠絡各國政府高層、破壞台灣軍購計畫及破壞台灣在海外的情報機構;在對台部分,中共除透過收買籠絡等傳統方式進行情蒐外,近來更透過女色、設置地下錢莊、沿海捕撈等手段,以掌握對台情資及軍事動態。 由於國內對於中共對台情報的學術論文並不多見,且相關資料多涉及高機密性難以查考,筆者僅能以公開書籍、期刊及網路資料進行分析,此乃本文的主要限制。


For the observation of cross-strait development, either fierce confrontation or peaceful in good neighbors, both regimes will endeavor to collect rival's information in politics, society, economics, national defense as well as military affairs for reference to protect their own national security. But what is Chinese attitude toward to information collection to Taiwan? How do the organizations function? These years, what the intelligence battles have been operated by China? It. is sure that we can find some articles interpreting this topic but organized materials are hard to be compiled to see the whole picture of Chinese intelligence agencies and operation to Taiwan. Therefore, my article will canvass it in following chapters. Based on my research, I learned that China sets up diversified organizations in Party, government and military to collect information about Taiwan. In military, in addition to the well know GSD (General Staff Department) and GPD (General Political Department) , the Martial Website of Hwa-Dong is being constructed to diosmose Taiwan through internet. In Communist Party of China, besides the United Front Department of the CCP Central Committee, people ignore easily the role of Central Committee General Office. About Governmental Departments, China collect information through Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Research, MSS (Minsitry of State Security) and Police. Furthermore, in overseas activities, China derives Taiwan information from USA, Japan, Europe and East Southern Asian. The means includes traditional method like dollar lasso, progressive tactics such as feminine attraction, juice dealer set-up, coastwise fishing in order to get Taiwan information and martial movements. Because there are not many academic essays about Chinese information collection to Taiwan in our country and high performance and confidential materials are not revealed easily, I only can grub from publicized books, periodical magazine and internet information. These are the bridles for this article.


Nicholas Eftimiades、李豔譯(1998)。中國情報系統。香港:明報出版社。



