  • 期刊

A Comparison of Health Expenditures between Taiwan Families of Different Age Structures



The data we used for our study consist of family income and expenditure collected in Taiwan between 1997 and 2003. Families are classified into young families if all members are less than 65 years of age, senior families if all members are 65 years of age or older. Families are then further classified into low and high national health insurance (NHI) self-pay expenditure families based on the self-pay amount for national health insurance where the dividing point is the median of the self-pay amount. The main goal of our study is to compare between four types of families: young families with low NHI self-pay expenditure, young families with high NHI self-pay expenditure, senior families with low NHI self-pay expenditure, and senior families with high NHI self-pay expenditure based on classification and regression trees (CART) analyses.


本研究是針對民國86 年到92 年,共7 年度的家庭收入支出調查資料,進行資料探勘及分析。我們先將年輕家庭(家庭成員均小於65 歲)與銀髮家庭(家庭成員均為65 歲以上)分別依據其健保自負額(以自負額的中位數區分)的高低做分類,接著再對分類後的家庭去做分析比較。本文主要是利用分類迴歸樹(Classification And Regression Tree, CART)的方法在以下6 個變數:財產所得收入、健保保險受益、對私人之經常移轉支出、對政府之經常移轉支出、食品費合計以及家事管理費上分別對於年輕家庭低自負額、年輕家庭高自負額、銀髮家庭低自負額與銀髮家庭高自負額的重要性做探討。在此健保自負額的定義為醫療用具設備及器材、住院診療及非受雇醫院醫護服務、醫療用品支出(包括中西藥在內)、人身意外災害醫療保險與合計之健保保費支出之總和。


全民健保自負額 資料探勘 CART
