  • 期刊


A Study of Spatial Aggregation on Earthquake - Case of 921 Earthquake


本研究探討地震空間聚集性,以1999年發生於南投縣震級7.3的『921大地震』為中心前後一年的數據為研究對象。運用空間統計之空間自相關指標--全域型Moran's I指數,及區域型局部空間關聯指標LISA(Local Indicators of Spatial Association),區分出『高-高』、『高-低』、『低-高』、『低-低』聚集區,來探究地震空間聚集性。先以全域型空間自相關,檢驗地震的空間聚集性,再運用區域型空間自相關,探究其聚集區域及局部空間關聯模式。結果顯示,“921地震”前後時期之地震點,存在著顯著的空間聚集性。同時『921大地震』的『高-高』熱點聚集區為南投中部,『低-低』聚集區為嘉義縣北部。


This study explores the spatial clustering of the earthquake. The samples data are "921 Earthquake", happened in 1999, and the surrounding one year data. Using the spatial autocorrelation index of spatial statistics - Moran's I index and regional indicator of spatial association (LISA), to explore the four distinguished aggregation area -- "high-high", "high-low", "low- high "Low-low". First, the spatial clustering is tested by the global spatial autocorrelation index. Then the regional spatial autocorrelation is used to explore the clustering region and the local spatial correlation model. Results show that there is significant spatial clustering in the earthquakes before and after the 921 earthquake. The "high-high" hot spot of the "921 Earthquake" is the central part of Nantou, and the "low-low" gathering area is the northern part of Chiayi County.
