  • 期刊


The Exploration of Spatial Features of Building Damage in 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake




Earthquake is an unpredictable disaster and fatalness. The building damage and collapse are the major loss during the earthquake disaster. Past studies have proposed land use regulation along the fault to mitigate earthquake disaster. However, there are other factors result in building damage including building structure, land use type and geographic location etc. Therefore, this paper applies Chi-Chi Earthquake as the case study to explore "the relationship between building damage ratio and the distance from the fault" and "building features in earthquake risk area". First of all, this paper applies one-way analysis of variance to explore the building damage ratio under various distances from the fault line. Furthermore, quantification theory type II is then applied to categorize the building damage factors. The results show that there is a significant building damage difference on the distance of 45 meters. And buildings built before 1974 and located on upper fault are suffered much serious damage. In addition, the geologic features such as river and cliff might have impact on building damage. In the end, this study conducts comparative analysis on land use managements among other countries suffering similar earthquake risk. Overall, the results might be referred to future studies on land use plan and land use management in earthquake risk areas.


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